Posted on Jul 14, 2022
Jane Fonda on Radio Hanoi | WNYC | New York Public Radio, Podcasts, Live Streaming Radio, News
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 8
I have absolutely no respect for that commie loving bitch. Sen John Kerry is no better.
GySgt Jack Wallace
GySgt Jack Wallace - When the bit.. film came out sitting on the air craft guns and showing her support for the Vietnam Communist Party my brother was in the Corps and in Nam. U.S. should have never left her back in the STATES as we should have pulled her citizenship and left her stay and rot in hell.. In my humble opinion!!
Disgusting and treasonous acts performed by a fellow citizen who thought she was doing the right thing in support of her belief that this country was fighting a morally wrong war and that her celebrity "voice" would advance the anti-war movement in this country. At the time, too, she was in love with one of the most recognized and outspoken critics of the war in Vietnam, Tom Hayden. To me, her actions at the time were the very definition of "young and stupid." The North Vietnamese cashed in on it big time, of course, and she became a lasting symbol of betrayal and anti-Americanism; sentiments which persist to this day. While she has gone on to fame and fortune, those two weeks in Southeast Asia earned her the lasting enmity of a large section of our society including the vast majority of US veterans who served there; her latter-day apologies falling on deaf ears. Its my opinion that this whole, disastrous "Hanoi Jane" episode drew attention away from those truly culpable for the shenanigans being pulled and the mistakes being made in Vietnam at the time by high-ranking members of our government. That is Presidents LBJ and Nixon and SecDef Robert McNamara who later in life made the truly treasonous admission that, "We knew going in that we couldn't win the war in Vietnam." To a degree, these and others on the civilian side effectively "hid behind" Jane Fonda's skirts for a very long time. BTW, our military kicked Communist asses all over SE Asia during that time only to be sold out by our political "leadership." MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. LTC Tracy Brown MSG Greg Kelly SPC Doug Bolton LTC Jonathan Jeckell MG (Join to see) LTC Dwayne Hummel SFC Eric Johnson 1SG William Zappa CSM Charles Hayden Lt Col Charlie Brown LTC Stephen F. SPC Nancy Greene
SPC Lyle Montgomery
LTC Tom Jones That was a great post. I was a grunt in Quang Tri in 1970. That commie bitch has no respect from us vets. The fine soldiers, Marimes, Navy and Airforce fought gallantly and could have easily won that war if the lousy politicians had let them We vets didn't lose the war. the worthless politicians lost it. After ETS and a couple of years I remember watching the fall of saigon with my baby son. I was so infurated with the govt. then and still get pissed just thinking about it. Now we had the same scenario in Afganistan. It's not the military over in these shitholes, it's the politicans. Someday these crooks will pay, if not in this life it will be in the next. I will always support our troops.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
CSM Charles Hayden - A most excellent tome. H. R. was a contemporary of mine in the USMA History Dept.
PO3 Edward Riddle
SPC Lyle Montgomery - Thank You Brother Lyle for your Service. I was in the Mekong Delta 5/68-4/69 and I remember saying back then that if "They" would only let us fight the way we wanted to, then we could have won the war. I had a great dislike for a "no fire zone". You could always expect to get hit from one.
Disappointed in the apologists for this quisling here on RP. For those of us in country at the time, reminders of her are like a wound that won't scab over. For those who get their history listening to "The View", a good eye opener is General Giap's book, "How we won the War". She, Uncle Ho Rather, Commie Cronkite, Pinko Peter Arnett, and of course, Rice Butt Kerry were more effective than whole divisions of NVA., MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. LTC Tom Jones CWO3 Dennis M. SFC (Join to see) MSG Greg Kelly SPC Doug Bolton SSG Robert Pratt Put me in the camp that refuses to watch her entertainment offerings but will always be attentive to her opinions on "news" programs.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
I had to escort Arnett and Neal Ulevich from AP along the DMZ during Lam Son 719. Arnett didn't make many friends amongst the ranks of GIs and grunt Marines.
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