Recent Activity -
Enlisted in Army for educational benefits. Wanted to be a lawyer, but settled for two Masters Degrees from ECU in Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation Counseling. Worked for ten years as an in-home therapist for the Marine Corps at Camp LeJeune. Then turned my efforts to Aquatics. I was a certified Aquatic Fitness Instructor, RedCross Swim instructor Trainer and then USSA level2 swim coach 2003-2011
Military Experiences
Jul 1987 - Sep 1987
Personnel Management Specialist 75C1C
While on Medical Hold awaiting Medical Discharge; performed Personnel Management Duties as directed by OIC of Personnel. Including records management and various Personnel Management Duties.
Jan 1986 - Sep 1987
SNCOIC (Staff Non-Commission Officer In Charge)
NCOIC Enlisted Promotions
Published Promotion Ordees for:
2/1 CAV
1/41, 2/41, 3/31, 4/41 INF BN; 266 AR REG; 66TNK BN MP DET & ENG DET
Jan 1986 - Sep 1987
NCOIC Enlisted Promotions 75C1C
Responsible for all Enlisted Promotions from E2 through E7 for all units stationed at Garlstedt, Germany and corrected improperly completed Promotion Point Computations and Recomputations. Corrected four Soldiers Promotion Point worksheets which resulted in back-dated promotions up to five years. Assisted these Soldiers in obtaining appropriate back-pay. Provided Promotion services for two Infantry Battalions, an Artillery Battalion, a Tanker Battalion, and a Calvary Unit. NCOIC of Enlisted Promotions as an SP4(P)Responsible for publishing Promotion orders for all Enlisted personnel stationed in Garlstedt, Germany. Responsible for promotion point computations and re-computations.
Aug 1984 - Dec 1985
NCOIC Student/Trainee Promotions
Responsible for Student/Trainee promotions from E2 through E4 for all Students and trainees. Also responsible for CID MOS orders for Army and Air Force students completing CID Course.
(1 year, 8 months)Jan 1986 - Aug 1987
2nd Armored DIV (FWD)
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Feb 1986 - Jul 1986
Correspondence Courses
Mar 1984 - May 1984
AG Personnell Management Ft Benjamin Harrison
Dec 1983 - Feb 1984
Army Basic Combat Training Ft Jackson SC
Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
1974 - 1978
University of NC-Greensboro
Bachelors Degree, Psychology; Law Enforcement & Criminal Justice; English; Cognitive Behaviir Therapy; Autism & Special Needs