Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
Sep 1989 - Nov 1993
Damage Control Assistant, Ballasting Officer, Ships Material Maintenance Officer. Nucleus crew for new construction in Avondale Shipyard, LA. Commissioned in June 1991. Enroute to San Diego, port calls in Panama City, Montego Bay, Panama Canal. Also LEO Ops with Coast Guard off Atlantic and Pacific coasts of Columbia. Port calls in Portland, OR, San Francisco, CA, Matzatlan, MX, Hilo, Pearl Harbor, and Maui. HI. One WestPac deployment - Sasebo, Okinawa, Hong Kong, Subic, Singapore, Lamut, Mogadishu, Kismayu, Djibouti, Dubai.
Jan 1987 - Jul 1989
Exercised Navy and Coast Guard ships of all classes at Refresher Training in navigation, engineering, air, deck and weapons, in preparation for deployment. Trained Pakistani crews in operation of three FFG-1 class vessels purchased by Pakistan. Refresher Training was conducted in various west coast ports, Hawaii and Alaska.
Aug 1983 - Dec 1986
Damage Control Assistant, Ships Material Maintenance Officer, Repair Division Officer. Trained and exercised officer and enlisted fire fighting teams, rescue and assistance teams, CBR countermeasure efforts. Maintained ship survivorability. Single point contact for repairs during yard periods. Two WestPac deployments. Sasebo, Pusan, Pohang, Subic, White Beach, Singapore, Pattaya, Hong Kong, Fremantle/Perth
(10 years, 7 months)Military Credentials
Security Clearance
Prefer not to say
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees