SPC Lyle Montgomery

SPC Lyle Montgomery

Dates of Service: Sep 1969 - Sep 1971
95% Complete
127 Contacts
Influence Score: 723,029
191 out of 868,074 Veterans
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  • PVT
  • PV2 Sep 69
  • PFC
  • SPC Mar 71

Recent Activity  -


Retired union millwright, Catholic, Married over 50 years, Rebuilds and shows old oddball tractors.Has lived in Plattsmouth Ne all my life except 2 years in the Army, Volunteered for the draft in 1969 after high school, did 2 years, Army, 1 in Nam as combat infantryman in Quang Tri with the 5th. mech. M60 gunner in leg infantry my whole tour, Conservative Republican.Belong to L.U. 1463 Millwrights , Knights of Columbus 1966 Father shine council and lifetime member of VFW. 2543.

Military Experiences

M 60 Machine gunner in leg infantry company {Army grunt} Sp. 4


(11 months)
Feb 1970 - Dec 1970
Vietnam ribbon
Vietnam War
I was a m 60 machine gunner in a leg infantry company. Never rode on a tank or APC but humped a lot. We were in the bush for about 30 days and came in for 3days and started it all over again in he jungle and highland on the DMZ around Quang Tri and Hue in Vietnam.

Military Credentials


welder and Millwright

Personal Information

old tractors
How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter