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LTC Stephen F.
Edited 3 y ago
Thank you my friend SGT (Join to see) for making us aware that on August 18, 1958 Vladimir Vladimirovich [son of Vladimir] Nabokov's novel "Lolita" was published in the United States.

Pale Fire and Nabokov's Biography
This is not autobiography. This is art.

1. Vladimir Nabokov (1899-1977), Russian writer, circa 1945. adoc-photo
2. Vladimir Nabakov's parents respected liberal politician Vladimir Dmitrievich Nabokov; his mother, noble and wealthy Russian with an artistic heritage Elena Ivanovna
3. Cover of French edition of Lolita banned for indecency. Photo by Walter Daran
4. Elena Ivanovna Nabokova with children Sergei, Olga, Elena and Vladimir. Heritage Images.

Background from {[https://www.libraries.psu.edu/nabokov/bio.htm]}
Vladimir Nabokov [vlah-DEE-mir nah-BOA-kov], 1899-1977; novelist, poet, scholar, translator, and lepidopterist. A cosmopolitan Russian-born ‘emigre’ whose linguistic facility, erudite style, and eloquent prose helped to establish him as one of the most brilliant and respected literary figures of the 20th century, Nabokov produced literature and scholarship of beauty, complexity, and inventiveness in both Russian and English.
Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov was born on (or about) April 23rd, 1899, into a wealthy and aristocratic family in St. Petersburg, Russia. His father, Vladimir Dmitrievich Nabokov, was a prominent and respected liberal politician; his mother, Elena Ivanovna, was a noble and wealthy Russian with an artistic heritage. From his father, VN seems to have inherited a strong work ethic and a love for butterflies; from his mother, a creative sensibility and innate spirituality. The oldest of five children, VN spent his childhood in St. Petersburg and the family estate of Vyra, some 50 miles to the south. (For more on the Nabokov family, see Dieter E. Zimmer's Nabokov Family Web.)
Describing himself as "a perfectly normal trilingual child in a family with a large library," VN first learned English and then French from various governesses; his father, upon realizing that his son could read and write English but not Russian, employed an instructor from a local school to teach VN and his brother Sergei their native tongue. The Nabokov family habitually spoke a melange of French, English, and Russian in their household, and this linguistic diversity would play a prominent role in VN's development as an artist.
A slender but active youth, VN bicycled, played tennis and soccer, and, most especially, spent hours in and around the Vyra estate collecting butterflies. "My pleasures are the most intense known to man: writing and butterfly hunting," he would later say, and his pursuit of butterflies was not merely a pleasure, but a passion that would influence his life and art, both overtly and stylistically
A series of tutors helped to provide a diverse education. In particular, the study of drawing and painting sharpened his powers of observation and imagination. A description of his colored pencils from the memoir, Speak, Memory, is evocative: "The white one alone, that lanky albino among pencils, kept its original length, or at least did so until I discovered that, far from being a fraud leaving no mark on the page, it was the ideal implement since I could imagine whatever I wished while I scrawled."
VN entered the Tenishev School in St. Petersburg in 1910. The Tenishev School was the most advanced and expensive school in Russia, but even among its elite student body, VN was aloof, iconoclastic, even haughty, to students and faculty alike. That he was driven to school each day in the family Benz or Wolseley increased the sense of imperious individualism; only his soccer skill won him the social acceptance of his classmates. On the soccer field, VN habitually played goalie, so that, even in a team environment, he functioned alone.
In 1916, his uncle "Ruka" bequeathed VN approximately two million dollars and a large estate. Such personal wealth reinforced his noble bearing and independence, and enabled him to privately publish a 500-printing run of a book of poems.
Nabokovs' childhood was full and rewarding. He was adored by his parents, and through his family had experienced stability, love, and wealth; his position, heritage, and developing literary gifts suggested a bright future. Remarkably, his childhood seems even to have prepared him for the severe manner in which he passed from it; the Russian Revolution deprived VN of his birthright, but inscribed upon his memory his inheritance of Russian culture.
In November 1917, the Nabokov family left St. Petersburg for a friend's estate near Yalta, in the Crimea, in the wake of revolutionary rioting and the March 15 abdication of Tsar Nicholas II. His father accepted a position in the provisional government, but, after being imprisoned by Bolshevik forces, left St. Petersburg to join his family in the Crimea. The Nabokovs remained there for 18 months; VN undertook several butterfly safaris, capturing some 77 species of butterfly and more than 100 species of moth, which later formed the basis for his first scholarly publication, in the English journal The Entomologist in 1923.
Fleeing the advance of the Red Army in April 1919, the Nabokovs traveled through Constantinople to England, where VN and his brother Sergei enrolled in Cambridge. VN originally studied ichthyology, but, fatigued by academia, he switched to French and Russian literature. Well served by his own heritage and courses from the Tenishev School, he coasted to graduation in 1922 despite disaffection with University life. VN spent little time in the Library, and seems to have easily passed exams aided by his literary extraction and meticulous lecture notes. He continued to play soccer, and had an active social life. He composed poetry in English, and completed a Russian translation of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland ("Not the first translation," he maintained, "but the best.") Carroll's precise, scientific background and zealous, sprightly paronomasia provide an interesting counterpart to VN's oeuvre. Indeed, Alice's signature elements of chess, playing cards, and a young girl in curious circumstances are themes that would occur and reoccur in VN's work.
The Nabokov family had settled in Berlin, where VN's father became editor of the emigre newspaper Rul' ("The Rudder.") In 1922, V.D. Nabokov was murdered by two right-wing assassins who were attempting to kill the politician Pavel Miliukov. The elder Nabokov leapt off of the stage in an effort to disarm one of the gunmen, was shot twice, and died instantly. His wife resettled in Prague, where she was offerred a government pension, and remained there until her death in 1939.
VN received his degree from Cambridge in 1922, and moved to Berlin, which had a large Russian population (the circulation of "The Rudder" was 40,000) He earned a tenuous living by publishing short fiction and poetry, using the pseudonym Vl. Sirin to avoid confusion with his father. He supplemented his income in a variety of ways: by giving lessons in English and tennis; translating; appearing as an extra in films; acting in theatrical productions; and by composing chess problems and the first Russian crossword puzzles.
A lifelong insomniac with a dedication to his art, VN wrote mostly at night, which enabled him to lead an aloof but active social life in Berlin. He continued to play soccer, participated in several literary groups, and gave numerous readings of his works. On April 15th, 1925, he married fellow emigre Véra Slonim. Their son Dmitri was born on May 10th, 1934.
VN and Véra continued to eke out a living in Berlin; a steady stream of novels written in Russian appeared, from Mashen'ka (Mary) in 1925 to Dar (The Gift) in 1938. His body of work during this time was well-received by the emigre audience and critics, but generated little income, and was largely unknown outside of the Russian-speaking population of Berlin and Paris. One consistent criticism of his fiction was its lack of "Russianness," that is, a lack of direct concern with Russia's issues and difficulties. VN would maintain, "I have never been interested in what is called the literature of social comment."
In 1937, VN and his family left Berlin for Paris due to their disgust with the Nazi regime and Mrs. Nabokov's Jewish heritage. In Paris, VN continued to write in Russian, composed a few works in French, and also wrote his first novel in English, The Real Life of Sebastian Knight. He had determined that his most harmonious future lay in the English language; since England was not prepared to supply him with an academic appointment, the Nabokovs prepared to immigrate to America.

In 1940, VN, Véra, and Dmitri, fled Paris for New York, narrowly escaping the invading Germans. In America, VN initially worked for the Museum of Natural History in New York, classifying butterflies. He published two papers, and was also paid by the Museum for his entomological drawings. During the summer of 1941, he taught creative writing at Stanford University, before securing an appointment as resident lecturer in comparative literature and instructor in Russian at Wellesley College. Later he would work at Harvard, first in an entomological capacity and later as visiting lecturer, and at Cornell, as professor of Russian and European literature, from 1948-1959.

VN and Vera at Wellesley, ca. 1944 During the 1940s, VN embarked upon a fruitful association with the New Yorker; in addition to his entomological work, he spent quite a bit of time preparing his lectures, and published a scholarly work on Gogol. It may be that his comparatively small output of fiction during this time was an adjustment to writing in English; VN would maintain that the Wellesley years were the happiest, and his scholarly pursuits were satisfying. In 1945, the Nabokov family became American citizens. He also compiled a memoir, published in 1951 as Conclusive Evidence (later revised and published as Speak, Memory.)

Cover of a paperback edition of Lolita VN continued to pursue butterflies during his summer vacations, often in the Rocky Mountains. It was during these trips in the early 1950s that he composed the novel that would engrave his name in the American popular culture - Lolita. Initially, even the American publishing houses that admitted Lolita's literary virtues were unwilling to discover the legal ramifications of publishing a novel about a man's affair with his twelve-year old stepdaughter. Lolita was first published in France by Olympia Press in 1955, and generated a storm of moral outrage, as well as staunch and significant support for its artistic merit. Eventually published in American in 1958 (and in England the following year,) the Sturm und Drang over Lolita contributed to a remarkable popular success; it spent six months as the number one bestseller in America (displaced by Boris Pasternak's Dr. Zhivago.)

Although he glibly suggested about his Lolita that "she is the famous one, not I," profits from the sale of the novel, combined with the sale of the movie rights and a screenplay deal, enabled VN to retire from Cornell in 1959 and devote himself to writing.

In 1961, VN and Véra moved to Montreux, Switzerland, at least in part to be near Dmitri, who was studying for a career in opera in Milan. At first considered a temporary move, they settled in at the Montreux-Palace Hotel and remained for the duration of their lives. Living reclusively, VN continued to produce original novels, including the singular Pale Fire, and directed the translation of his earlier work from Russian into English.

The publication of Glory in 1971 completed the process of translating his Russian novels into English. Often collaborating with his son Dmitri, VN occasionally (but not always) revised and augmented his earlier works during the translation process. VN's magisterial linguistic finesse had long enabled him to compose literature and scholarly translations in Russian, English, and French. George Steiner admiringly summarized VN's philology thus: ". . . whereas so many other language exiles clung desperately to the artifice of their native tongue or fell silent, Nabokov moved into successive languages like a traveling potentate."

Vladimir Nabokov died on July 2, 1977, in Montreux, of a mysterious lung ailment. His legacy of challenging yet playful fiction, dense with creative exuberance and innovative use of language, continues to reward and dazzle scholars and casual readers alike. "The true conflict is not between the characters in a novel, but between author and reader," he asserted. "In the long run, however, it is only the author's private satisfaction that counts."

-- John Hamilton"

FYI COL Mikel J. Burroughs SMSgt Lawrence McCarter SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D GySgt Thomas Vick SGT Denny Espinosa LTC (Join to see)Maj Bill Smith, Ph.D. MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. PO1 William "Chip" Nagel PO2 (Join to see) SSG Franklin Briant SPC Michael Terrell SFC Chuck Martinez CSM Charles HaydenMSgt James Clark-Rosa SMSgt Tom Burns 1SG Dan Capri MGySgt (Join to see) SFC Ralph E Kelley
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
3 y
Biographer Brian Boyd on Vladimir Nabokov

1. Author Vladimir Nabokov circa 1965. Gilles
2. May 1961 - Dimitri (centre) and his father Vladimir Nabokov dining out after Dimitri's debut as an opera singer at the Communale Theatre, Reggio Emilia, northern Italy.
3. Author Vladimir Nabokov and his wife Véra chasing butterflies. Photo by Carl Mydans
4. File cards containing author Vladimir Nabokov's research materials for his book 'Lolita'. Carl Mydan

Background from {[https://sites.bu.edu/russian-poetry/biography-vladimir-nabokov/]}
Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov (1899 – 1977), Russian and American novelist, short-story writer, poet, translator, and lepidopterist was born into a wealthy St. Petersburg family. He grew up trilingual from childhood, studied at the Tenishev School. Nabokov’s father, Vladimir Dmitrievich, played a prominent role in the provisional government. In November 1917 the Nabokovs left for Crimea and in 1919, the family fled to England. Vladimir Nabokov enrolled in Cambridge. While Vladimir Nabokov studied at Cambridge where he took a degree in Slavic and Roman Literatures, his family settled down in Berlin where Nabokov’s father became an editor of the emigre newspaper The Rudder (Rul’). As Yulia Trubikhina 2019) noted, “In the summer of 1922, Gamaiun, a Russian publishing company in Berlin, commissioned the twenty-three-year-old Nabokov to translate Alice in Wonderland into Russian.” A brilliant translation entitled Anya v strane chudes and signed with the pen-name V. Sirin brought out in 1923. This was Nabokov’s first substantial publication.

From 1922 to 1937 Nabokov resided in Berlin. In 1922, his father V.D. Nabokov was murdered by the right-wing assassins who were attempting to kill the politician Pavel Miliukov. In 1925, Vladimir Nabokov married Véra Slonim, their son Dmitri was born in 1934. His nine Russian novels were written during the Berlin period. Before he turned to prose as his major medium, Nabokov published four volumes of poetry. In Berlin, Vladimir Nabokov earned a tenuous living by publishing short fiction and poetry, using the pseudonym Sirin to avoid confusion with his father (Pictorial Biography, 1991). He supplemented his income in a variety of ways: by giving lessons in English and tennis; translating; appearing as an extra in films; acting in theatrical productions; and by composing chess problems and Russian crossword puzzles.

In 1936, Vera lost her job when the Nazis dismissed the Jewish owners of her firm (Schiff 2011). In 1937, the family left Berlin for Paris. In May 1940, the Nabokovs managed to emigrated to the US. ,

In America, Nabokov initially got a part-time job at the Museum of Natural History in New York, classifying butterflies. He published two papers, made entomological drawings. During the summer of 1941, he taught creative writing at Stanford University, before accepting the position as resident lecturer in comparative literature and instructor in Russian at Wellesley College. In 1951, Dmitri Nabokov enrolled in Harvard, and while his son was a student, Vladimir Nabokov taught as a visiting lecturer. From 1948-1959, he worked at Cornell University as professor of Russian and European literature. While teaching at Cornell, Nabokov translated The Song of Igor’s Campaign, and Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin. There he also finished Lolita and began writing the novel Pnin.

Lolita, a novel about a man’s affair with his twelve-year-old stepdaughter, initially was rejected by many American publishing houses. Lolita was first published in France by Olympia Press in 1955 and generated moral outrage, as well as high praises for the aesthetic value. Eventually, the novel was published in America in 1958. With profits from the sale of the novel, combined with the sale of the movie rights and a screenplay deal, Vladimir Nabokov could afford to devote himself to writing.

In 1961, Vladimir and Vera moved to Montreux, Switzerland, in part to be near Dmitri, who was studying for a career in opera in Milan. At first, considered a temporary move, they settled in at the Montreux-Palace Hotel. Vladimir Nabokov continued to write novels and translated his earlier work from Russian into English, often collaborating with his son Dmitri. It should be noted that during the translation process, Vladimir Nabokov occasionally did “self-editing” of his earlier works published in Russian.

The publication of Vladimir Nabokov’s Selected Poems in 2012 was a major literary event. As the book’s editor Thomas Karshan writes, “the great novelist (Lolita, Pale Fire) was “first a poet”. Many of his poems were translated by Dmitri Nabokov, including The University Poem, a sparkling novel in verse modeled on Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin.

Vladimir Nabokov died on July 2, 1977, in Montreux, of a lung ailment.

Boyd, Brian. Vladimir Nabokov: The American Years. Princeton University Press. 2016.
Boyd, Brian. Vladimir Nabokov: The Russian Years. Princeton University Press. 2016.
Dolinin, Alexander. Kommentarii k romanu Vladimira Nabokova, “Dar”. 2019
Trubikhina, Julia. The Translator’s Doubts: Vladimir Nabokov and the Ambiguity of Translation. Academic Studies Press, 2019.
Schiff, Stacy. Véra: Mrs. Vladimir Nabokov. Modern Library, 2011.
Vladimir Nabokov: A Pictorial Biography, compiled and edited by Ellendea Proffer (Ann Arbor: Ardis Publishers, c1991"

FYI SSG Paul HeadleeCPL Michael PeckPO1 Steve DittoCPL Douglas ChryslerSSG Michael Noll Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen SPC Michael Oles SRTSgt George RodriguezPO3 Charles Streich SGT (Join to see)SGT David A. 'Cowboy' GrothSFC (Join to see)SGT Steve McFarland PO1 H Gene Lawrence SGT Mary G. SMSgt David A Asbury CSM (Join to see) SPC Nancy Greene TSgt David L. Brad Miller
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
3 y
From a 1989 VHS. The story of how the great Russian-American writer Vladimir Nabokov conceived and created his masterpiece 'Lolita', told in his own words and those of writers Antonia Byatt, Martin Amis, and Edmund White, his son Dmitri Nabokov, and biographer and pre-eminent Nabokov scholar Brian Boyd. Also Maurice Girodias of the legendary Olympia Press, the original publisher of one of the most controversial books of all time.

1. Vladimir Nabokov, Véra, in New York in 1940s.
2. Russian-born American author Vladimir Nabokov (1899 - 1977) dictates from notecards while his wife Véra (nee Slonim, 1902 - 1991 types on a manual typewriter, Ithaca, New York, 1958.
3. Vladimir Nabokov on his balcony in Montreux, Switzerland
4. Statue of Vladimir Nabokov at ville de Montreux

Background from {[https://sites.bu.edu/russian-poetry/biography-vladimir-nabokov/])
Biography Vladimir Nabokov
Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov (1899 – 1977), Russian and American novelist, short-story writer, poet, translator, and lepidopterist was born into a wealthy St. Petersburg family. He grew up trilingual from childhood, studied at the Tenishev School. Nabokov’s father, Vladimir Dmitrievich, played a prominent role in the provisional government. In November 1917 the Nabokovs left for Crimea and in 1919, the family fled to England. Vladimir Nabokov enrolled in Cambridge. While Vladimir Nabokov studied at Cambridge where he took a degree in Slavic and Roman Literatures, his family settled down in Berlin where Nabokov’s father became an editor of the emigre newspaper The Rudder (Rul’). As Yulia Trubikhina 2019) noted, “In the summer of 1922, Gamaiun, a Russian publishing company in Berlin, commissioned the twenty-three-year-old Nabokov to translate Alice in Wonderland into Russian.” A brilliant translation entitled Anya v strane chudes and signed with the pen-name V. Sirin brought out in 1923. This was Nabokov’s first substantial publication.
From 1922 to 1937 Nabokov resided in Berlin. In 1922, his father V.D. Nabokov was murdered by the right-wing assassins who were attempting to kill the politician Pavel Miliukov. In 1925, Vladimir Nabokov married Véra Slonim, their son Dmitri was born in 1934. His nine Russian novels were written during the Berlin period. Before he turned to prose as his major medium, Nabokov published four volumes of poetry. In Berlin, Vladimir Nabokov earned a tenuous living by publishing short fiction and poetry, using the pseudonym Sirin to avoid confusion with his father (Pictorial Biography, 1991). He supplemented his income in a variety of ways: by giving lessons in English and tennis; translating; appearing as an extra in films; acting in theatrical productions; and by composing chess problems and Russian crossword puzzles.
In 1936, Véra lost her job when the Nazis dismissed the Jewish owners of her firm (Schiff 2011). In 1937, the family left Berlin for Paris. In May 1940, the Nabokovs managed to emigrated to the US. ,
In America, Nabokov initially got a part-time job at the Museum of Natural History in New York, classifying butterflies. He published two papers, made entomological drawings. During the summer of 1941, he taught creative writing at Stanford University, before accepting the position as resident lecturer in comparative literature and instructor in Russian at Wellesley College. In 1951, Dmitri Nabokov enrolled in Harvard, and while his son was a student, Vladimir Nabokov taught as a visiting lecturer. From 1948-1959, he worked at Cornell University as professor of Russian and European literature. While teaching at Cornell, Nabokov translated The Song of Igor’s Campaign, and Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin. There he also finished Lolita and began writing the novel Pnin.
Lolita, a novel about a man’s affair with his twelve-year-old stepdaughter, initially was rejected by many American publishing houses. Lolita was first published in France by Olympia Press in 1955 and generated moral outrage, as well as high praises for the aesthetic value. Eventually, the novel was published in America in 1958. With profits from the sale of the novel, combined with the sale of the movie rights and a screenplay deal, Vladimir Nabokov could afford to devote himself to writing.
In 1961, Vladimir and Véra moved to Montreux, Switzerland, in part to be near Dmitri, who was studying for a career in opera in Milan. At first, considered a temporary move, they settled in at the Montreux-Palace Hotel. Vladimir Nabokov continued to write novels and translated his earlier work from Russian into English, often collaborating with his son Dmitri. It should be noted that during the translation process, Vladimir Nabokov occasionally did “self-editing” of his earlier works published in Russian.
The publication of Vladimir Nabokov’s Selected Poems in 2012 was a major literary event. As the book’s editor Thomas Karshan writes, “the great novelist (Lolita, Pale Fire) was “first a poet”. Many of his poems were translated by Dmitri Nabokov, including The University Poem, a sparkling novel in verse modeled on Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin.
Vladimir Nabokov died on July 2, 1977, in Montreux, of a lung ailment.
Boyd, Brian. Vladimir Nabokov: The American Years. Princeton University Press. 2016.
Boyd, Brian. Vladimir Nabokov: The Russian Years. Princeton University Press. 2016.
Dolinin, Alexander. Kommentarii k romanu Vladimira Nabokova, “Dar”. 2019
Trubikhina, Julia. The Translator’s Doubts: Vladimir Nabokov and the Ambiguity of Translation. Academic Studies Press, 2019.
Schiff, Stacy. Véra: Mrs. Vladimir Nabokov. Modern Library, 2011.
Vladimir Nabokov: A Pictorial Biography, compiled and edited by Ellendea Proffer (Ann Arbor: Ardis Publishers, c1991"

FYI LTC John Shaw 1SG Steven ImermanGySgt Gary CordeiroSgt Jim BelanusSGM Bill FrazerSGT Randell RoseA1C Riley SandersSSgt Clare MaySSG Robert WebsterCSM Chuck StaffordPFC Craig KarshnerSFC (Join to see) Lt Col Charlie BrownSP5 Dennis Loberger SSG Robert Mark Odom 1LT Peter DustonSPC Woody BullardCPT (Join to see) SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
3 y
Nabokov - How Do You Solve a Problem Like Lolita? 1/4 (2009)
Documentary following writer and broadcaster Stephen Smith on the trail of Vladimir Nabokov, the elusive man behind the controversial novel and 1962 film,

1. Vladimir Nabokov at Cambridge University in 1920 approximately.
2. Vladimir Nabokov, his mother and her brother, Vladimir Nabokov’s Uncle Ruka, Vyra, 1908.
3. Vladimir Nabokov in Montreux, Switzerland in 1973
4. Vladimir Nabokov in the autumn of 1910, ready to go roller-skating in Berlin.
5. Vladimir Nabokov late in life
FYI Sgt (Join to see) SGT (Join to see) LTC Orlando Illi LTC Greg Henning LTC Bill Koski COL Kelly Zachgo MSG Andrew White MSgt Robert "Rock" Aldi Maj Marty Hogan PO3 Lynn SpaldingSGM Major StroupeCSM Bruce TregoSFC (Join to see)SFC Richard WilliamsonMSG (Join to see)SSG Byron Hewett1SG Mark Rudoplh CPT Richard TrioneSSgt Clare MaySGT (Join to see)
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Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Another of those books that were banned from both our town and high school libraries......Puritanical New England afterall!
SGT English/Language Arts Teacher
Sgt Jim Belanus
Sgt Jim Belanus
3 y
Things must have really changed in NE. Look at it now.
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1LT Voyle Smith
Lolita was scandalous at the time but I found it difficult to follow.
SGT Mary G.
SGT Mary G.
3 y
Perhaps Nabokov or his wife was speaking of personal experiences - by projecting them. The energy of the telling IS difficult to follow.
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