Recent Activity -
SFC(R) Davis has deployed to Operation Uphold Democracy Haiti,1994-1995-3/62 ADA FT.Drum, NY; Operation Iraqi Freedom I, II, and III (2003, 2004-2005) respectively with the 513th TC FT. Lewis, WA; OIF-VI, HHC ASG Camp Arifjan Area Support Group (ASG), Kuwait 2008-2009, and Operation New Dawn, 6th Trans Battalion 2011-2012, Operation Enduring Freedom, BAF, Afghanistan 2013-2014 15th BSB 2/1 CAV DIV
Military Experiences
Jan 2014 - Dec 2014
S3 Operations NCOIC
Served as the Battalion S3 NCOIC in the 15th BSB, 2nd Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division; responsible for ensuring operations and training are planned for a Brigade Support Battalion of over 490 personnel. Responsible for preparing, authenticating, and publishing Battalion-level operations orders. Recommends priorities for allocating critical resources of the command including time, personnel, supplies, and equipment. Ensures that training requirements for combat are oriented on conditions and standards of combat. Prepares and executes training programs, directives, orders, planning and conducting field exercises.
May 2013 - Jan 2014
S3 Operations NCOIC/Senior Truckmaster, Afghanistan (FWD)
Battletracks, personel, operations, equipment and logistics (CL 1-X) supplies for the 2/1 CAV Theater Assistance Force (TAF) in Afghanistan all 4 Regional Commands (RCs). Briefs Battalion Commander/CSM during the Morning Stand-up Brief.
Sep 2012 - Apr 2013
Serves as Truckmaster in a Distribution Company (Alpha) 15th Brigade Support Battalion, 2D Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division responsible for coordinating, supervising, and controlling all company missions and operations; coordinates and controls the availability of 25 M1074 LHS trucks with trailers, 10 M1078 LMTVs, 16 M969, 15 M1088, 3 M1075 PLS, 24 MRAPS, 10 Water Handling Units and 6 M1097 HMMWVs valued at $125,000,000; supervises administrative functions for the Operations Section to include drivers training and licensing program, operational records, mileage reporting.
Aug 2010 - Aug 2012
Operations NCO
Serves as the Battalion Master Drivers and Convoy Logistic Patrol Academy NCOIC for Joint Logistics Task Force 6 in support of five Army Transportation Companies and two Air Force Medium Truck Detachments providing theater distribution support to ARCENT, United States Forces Iraq and Afghanistan; responsible for the training and licensing of 1,200 Soldiers and Airman that conduct Convoy Logistics Patrols (CLPs) in Kuwait/Iraq and throughout the Afghanistan combat theater; responsible for the Battalion Drivers and CLP Academy which instructs and trains Soldiers/Airman in the IJOA.
(4 years, 8 months)Jul 2013 - Jan 2014

Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
Battletracks, personel, operations, equipment and logistics (CL I-X) supplies for the 2/1 CAV Theater Assistance Force (TAF) in Afghanistan all 4 RCs(Regional Commands). Briefs Battalion Commander/CSM during the Morning Stand-up Brief.
Apr 2011 - Apr 2012

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Operations Sergeant with the 6th Transportation Battalion; NCOIC of (Joint Logistic Task Force, 6th Transportation Battalion) JLTF-6 Convoy Logistic Patrol Academy and Drivers Training for 1,200 Soldiers and Airmen.
Feb 2008 - Feb 2009

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Highway Operations Sergeant, worked with the Installation Transportation Office(ITO) and the Directorate of Logistisics (DOL) for Area Support Group (ASG-Kuwait) in the Transportation Motor Pool working contracts and NTVs.
Jun 2004 - Jun 2005

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Squad Leader deployed with the 513th TC, providing logistical supplies into Iraq/Kuwait theater area of operations.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Dec 2010
Support Operations Course Phase II (Army Logistics University)
Sep 2009
Battle Staff NCO Course -US Army Sergeants Major Academy (USASMA)
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Mar 2013
Demonstrated Senior Logistican (DSL)
Feb 2011
Personel Security Detail (PSD)
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
2017 - 2019
Defense Acquisition University
Job/Skill Training, The Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA)Contracting Level II