Posted on Nov 4, 2018
Active-duty retention success hurts Reserve and Guard recruiting
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
It is a good article that makes a good argument that Active Duty Retention would impact National Guard and Reserve numbers; but it is not the whole picture. In my option, the issues affecting the National Guard and the Reserves is also retention in a stable economy. I read an article that Reserve and National Guard service members have requested to voluntary transfers into the IRR in record numbers so they can focus on career advancement in a booming economy. I would like to see the study on how periods of heathy job markets and economic growth impact retention and recruiting in the armed forces.
CW5 Jack Cardwell
Economy has also been a factor in the past for both recuiting and retention in the Guard.
CW3 Michael Bodnar
It's happened in my unit. We've had several O grades and NCO's transition into ING status or the IRR to do just that. The Guard is asking more of it's Soldiers and we're having a difficult time getting Soldiers to their respective leadership schools because of all the requirements that are no levied upon us. My unit just got back from a deployment in 2017 and we're supposed to be in a reset year. We've done a total of 3 WFX's and other exercises and all of our people are spent on their time off from their civilian jobs. This OPTEMPO is going to kill our retention and we're going to be in a bind this year when over half of the Soldiers who extended for the deployment are ETSing. There aren't any new Soldiers in the pipeline to replace them.
Thank you my friend CW5 Jack Cardwell for sharing the unsurprising news. Of course active duty retention affects recruiting of "seasoned" service members. However, those who enlist specifically to be a reserve component member would not be significantly impacted [based on my years assigned to a TRADOC installation where I had supervision of accessions requirements systems among other things..
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