Recent Activity -
Retired CW3 from the CAARNG. Currently working in the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard Emergency Management Section.
Military Experiences
(1 year)Present
3/133rd FA TXARNG
Military Credentials
Foreign Language Skills
Security Clearance
None / Expired
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
2008 - 2010
Personal Information
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character

Army National Guard | Engineer Officer
Public Works Officer - Detachment Commander at 115th RSG, California ARNG, MILPAC Region VII, USARNG
Outstanding Attention to detail, improved BN maintenance tracking procedures and excellent source of knowledge.

Air Force | Political-Military Affairs Strategist
Regional Director, WHEM/SSA and Congressional Liaison at SAF/IA, SECAF, HQDAF
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character

Air Force | Political-Military Affairs Strategist
Regional Director, WHEM/SSA and Congressional Liaison at SAF/IA, SECAF, HQDAF
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character