SP5 Mark Kuzinski

SP5 Mark Kuzinski

Dates of Service: Feb 1966 - Dec 1968
85% Complete
3253 Contacts
Influence Score: 14,084,318
15 out of 866,643 Veterans
About Discussions


  • PVT Feb 66
  • PV2 Apr 66
  • PFC Nov 66
  • SPC 1967
  • SP5 1967

Recent Activity  -


I enlisted in the army in Feb. 1966 after a dismal first year of college. That was the best move of my life. I owe the army for helping me grow up and taking command of my life. After my three years of service I was able to return to college and get the degree that I never thought was possible. I am now retired after 41 years in the Foundry/Automotive Industry and loving every min. of retirement. Head Wrestling Coach for Lake Michigan Catholic HS (2 years). Head Wrestling Coach for Hartland Wrestling Club (5 years). Worked closely with BSA (I have 3 boys and all earned the Eagle Scout Award). Board Member, Bullard Lake Woods Homeowners Association.

Military Experiences

Oct 1967 - Dec 1968
16th EN BN
* Member of Survey Crew. * Crew was responsible for many survey activities throughout Fort Hood. * Cowhouse Creek Project. * Attended Central Texas College (Night Classes) * Dec. 26, 1968 Honorable Discharge (Early Out to Attend Western Michigan University)
Oct 1966 - Oct 1967
561st EN
* Member of Construction Survey Crew. * Survey and construction of "Freedom Highway" * 561st moved North to Sakhon Nakhon - Survey and construct roads between camp, major towns and air bases. * Promoted to Sp 4. * Promoted to Sp 5 and in charge of crew
Apr 1966 - Oct 1966
AIT 82B20 Construction Surveying. Certificate of Proficiency.
Feb 1966 - Apr 1966
Basic Training. National Defense Medal/Sharpshooter Put in charge of PT Advancement from E1 to E2 at end of basic.


(1 year, 1 month)
Oct 1966 - Oct 1967
561st Construction Engineering Company. Survey and construction of "Freedom Highway" until 561st moved North to Sakhon Nakhon. In our new location we surveyed and construct roads between camp, major towns and air bases.

Military Credentials


Sep 1966

Certificate of Proficiency for completion of Construction Surveying Course 82B20.

Mar 1966

National Defense Service Medal/Sharpshooter (Rifle)

Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Prefer not to say

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

1969 - 1972
