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Responses: 7
SPC Jon O.
Take time to remember those who passed on this day December 7th 1941.
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1SG Steven Imerman
Never forget.
SPC Jon O.
SPC Jon O.
2 y
Spot on...
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LTC Stephen F.
Yes my friend and sister-in-Christ Lt Col Charlie Brown on December 7, 1941 the Jappanese attacked the Us Army air force bases and the Pacific fleet aging battleships, cruisers and sipport ships at Pearl Harbor Hawaii. The Pacific Fleet aircraft carriers were away from Pearl Harbor [by design]. In one swift action the Japanese navy aircraft attacked the planes and ships in this area of Hawaii and took out the bulk of the aging battleships.
As POTUS FDR stated this was indeed a day of infamy [which in some intelligence senses, we had an idea an attack was coming]
The USA mobolized the industrial base to mass produce liberty ships to send materiel to UK, vehicles and weapons to USSR, and tanks, half-tracks, fighter, bomber and transport planes, battleships, cruisers, destroyers and aircraft carriers.
After the US forces were bloodied at Guadalcal and Tunisia, we learned lessons and began to take back the Pacific islands,work with allies to recover north Africa, then sweep through Sicily to Italy, while the UK and allies worked eastward from India to work through Burma eastwards - includinge British Army Brigadier Orde Wingate led Chindits and Merrill's Marauders or Unit Galahad, officially named the 5307th Composite Unit, which was United States Army long range penetration special operations jungle warfare unit led by Frank Merrill.

81 years ago today, Japan attacked the United States Naval base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The following day, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt spoke to Congress, urging them to declare war on Japan. Within an hour of his speech, articles of war were drafted and passed by Congress, entering the United States into World War 2.
FYI MSG Darold R. PO1 Howard Barnes PO3 Edward Riddle SPC Jon O. 1SG Steven Imerman SFC Dr. Jesus Garcia-Arce, Psy.D MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. Amn Dale Preisach SSgt (Join to see) 1SG Joseph Dartey SSG Franklin Briant SSG Jeffrey Leake SSG (Join to see) LTC Joe Anderson Warning: Will Reply Abrasively, Cuastically, Crassly SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL SSG(P) (Join to see) SSG William Jones SGT Jim Arnold

This day of infamy was suceeded by the Al Qaida attack on the twin towers and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001 which became the 21st century day of infamy for this nation. Global War of Terrorism [GWOT] was launched in response.
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
2 y
CPO David R. D.
CPO David R. D.
2 y
I will never forget, nor do I believe I could forget the tragedies and successes of war that have affected my family. I have a family member, deceased now, that was on the USS NEVADA when Pearl Harbor was attacked. His stories are intriguing. But his survival on the "fateful" day, was because he and and buddy dove one direction while three others that were manning the same AAA gun dove another when "incoming" was yelled. He and his buddy survived, the other three were killed. He retired as a Senior Chief. Every time a ship I was on pulled into Pearl Harbor, I made the point of visiting the various memorials established to honor those that fought and died that day on 7 December 1941. I was stationed on Oahu from 2013 to 2016, and we visited the same memorials on a regular basis.
My wife's maternal grandpa, won't eat rice to this day, because of what he witnessed in Korea, during the Korean War. My dad is a Vietnam veteran and he served from '58 - '79. His experiences of Vietnam all came from serving aboard aircraft carriers during that war. I enlisted in to the Navy 1992. Though I didn't serve with "boots in country", I still witnessed much of the GWOT from various platforms. As a Cryptologist, I've witnessed things that can't be talked about, but these memories are "ALIVE and WELL" in my memory.
Nope, I will not, nor could I if I wanted to, forget the things I have witnessed.
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