SPC Elijah J. Henry, MBA

SPC Elijah J. Henry, MBA

Dates of Service: May 2013 - Nov 2018
100% Complete
212 Contacts
Influence Score: 578,003
236 out of 868,091 Veterans
About Discussions


  • PVT May 13
  • SPC Oct 13

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After 5 1/2 years as an Infantryman serving in SOF and conventional units, I earned my MBA Magna Cum Laude on a full-tuition academic scholarship. I rolled my MBA internship with Special Tactics into a full-time job I've continued since graduating. I have deployed to Ukraine twice on behalf of Special Tactics, for a total of three months. I am a professional freelance writer, editor, and soldier.

Military Experiences

Dec 2016 - Nov 2018
B Co
SAW Gunner
I served as a SAW Gunner and Wickham's Charter Ranger. In this company, I decided to forgo plans of commissioning and returning to SOF, in favor of moving on to civilian life. While I remained there, I strove to set a Ranger example and mentor junior Soldiers in things that no one thought to tell me when I was at their point in the Army.
Sep 2015 - Dec 2016
A Co
I served as a Machine Gunner until I was RFS'ed due to failing peer evaluations in Ranger School during my single opportunity to attend.
During my 19 months inside the Brown Fence, I benefited from strong leadership examples, as well as the best combat training in the most elite light infantry unit in the strongest military in the most powerful nation in the history of the universe. I'm glad to have served there.
Apr 2015 - Sep 2015
RASP 1 Candidate
I graduated RASP Class 08-15.

RASP 1 is an 8 week selection course broken down into two phases. Ranger candidates will learn the basics of what it takes to become a member of an elite fighting force. Candidates are tested on their mental and physical capabilities, while learning the advanced skills all Rangers are required to know to start their career with the 75th Ranger Regiment. Phase 1 focuses more on the critical events and skill level 1 tasks and Phase 2 focuses on training in Marksmanship, Breaching, Mobility, and Physical Fitness. -- http://www.goarmy.com/ranger/training/rasp.html
Dec 2013 - Apr 2015
A Co
Out of Training Soldier, Student Status
In A Co, as a medically-dropped student, my main responsibility was to recover, and keep up with appointments and physical therapy, as needed.

During my time in A Co, I completed SSD-1, as well as all other required AKO courses -- plus some that were not required -- and over 300 hours of Skillport correspondence courses.

I have worked on a number of details, including janitorial and groundskeeping work (of course), as well as construction work (a tin roof and an interior wall) and work as an ambulance driver at TMC-14, on Camp Mackall.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Jun 2013 - Sep 2013

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Jan 2016


Sep 2015

Ranger First Responder Level One

Foreign Language Skills
Security Clearance
Prefer not to say

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

2008 - 2013

2006 - 2008

Carroll County Christian Academy

High School Diploma

How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter