Amn Dale Preisach

Amn Dale Preisach

Dates of Service: no date specified
63% Complete
40 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,341,111
115 out of 868,074 Veterans
About Discussions


  • AB
  • Amn

Recent Activity  -


My clearance level is average. I go under the door frame with a few inches to spare.
My Health is average. I am average.
The only difference between me and the next guy is the next guy is probably better looking. 100% P&T closed head injury.. MRI later revealed extensive damage inside. and schizophrenia/ SchizoAffective- anxiety & Depression. The silver lining--- No Jury Duty.

Military Experiences

Sep 1988 - Jul 1989
Technical School Student
Two placements- Student P.O.M. Calif.pipeline eliminee, Keesler AFB. Pipeline eliminee / Honorably Discharged.
Sep 1988 - Nov 1988
Civilians are Fu€ked



Military Credentials

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Aug 1991 - Jun 1994

Community college of Allegheny County



National Certification For Surgical Technician

Foreign Language Skills


Spanish (2+/2+)


Russian (2+/2)


French (2/2)


German (4/3)

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

1991 - 1992

Personal Information

3.the payee4. the one.cruising through current historical events as they happen. i'm living history in the making. jafo.i've 3 friends that i didn't have till i got free of family. other than that. ...languages.learning again how to be on my own after a lifetime of protecting from / helping my mother weather the narcissists called blood preisachs.learning day by pronouns are 1. his majesty 2 his eminencestill learng how to be a civilian. 33 years laterstill learning how to be kind without being used. this restart was made possible due to family / ex-wife / brothers and sister that could no longer abuse/ use me financially/ physically and adding to injury. when mom diedthe need for myself to start living my life for me began.
How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter