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Responses: 12
Maj Robert Thornton
Leaves no doubt to what their aim is.
LTC George Morgan
LTC George Morgan
2 y
Maj Robert Thornton
Do you not think that such a bland statement should be followed by elucidation?
Maj Robert Thornton
Maj Robert Thornton
>1 y
My statement or the quote LTC George Morgan? If you are asking about my quote I don’t think I need say anymore, the quotes in the post speak volumes.
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SFC Casey O'Mally
The most telling, in my opinion was one of the Bubba quotes.

It is a paraphrase, but he says that if SOME people abuse their freedom, the. That freedom should be removed from EVERYONE.

Let's take this to it's logical conclusion. No more roads, because no one has a driver's license anymore. No more restaurants, because everyone who is not incarcerated is under house arrest. 100% illiteracy within a generation as ALL books and print media is banned. And more ...

The problem with this thinking is a problem I learned about in my FRESHMAN level Ethics course. If you propose a rule, and the act of EVERYONE following that rule negates your ability to follow the rule, then your rules is unethical. If you don't like stop signs, and want to be able to blow through them as if they do not exist, what happens when everyone does that? Well, obviously, you will no longer be able to, as you will either have to stop for others blowing through stop signs or you will get in a wreck.

So if you propose that we remove everyone's freedom because of one person's offense, what happens? Well, very quickly, no one has any freedom - including the people who would enforce this rule. So they are unable to go to work to enforce the rule, and the rule breaks down. Obviously, the only way to make the rule work is to remove freedom from the masses - but not from *everyone.*. Which is unethical.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
>1 y
MY Favorite Dumb-ass Comment Is:
"If Guns Are Outlawed,
Only Outlaws Will Have Guns"

Uh.. DUH?
Ya Think?

Fum Ducks
LTC George Morgan
LTC George Morgan
2 y
SFC Casey O'Mally
"Logical conclusion." When you make a statement such as this, it should be followed by logic, I see no logic in your paragraphs, only divergence, which is why you made, or are, an SFC. Such a degree of recognizable divergence would seem that you were or are in military intelligence. Hm?
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
We know what they want, but they're not going to get it.
SPC Lyle Montgomery
SPC Lyle Montgomery
2 y
LTC Morgan You are comparing apples to oranges. What happens in other countrys does not concern me. We need to have tough judges that uphold the law and governors that are not so liberal. The AK or the AR is only a machine and the criminals will always manage to get them. The responsible gun owners should not be punished for the deeds of criminals. What if someone was killed by a screwdriver should we ban all screwdrivers, or only the long ones? This whole debate on banning so called assult weapons is stupid. Just follow the constitution and uphold the second ammendent. By the way, I don't have either of these guns but still want the right to own one.
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