LTC George Morgan

LTC George Morgan

Dates of Service: Jun 1964 - May 1987
78% Complete
63 Contacts
Influence Score: 115,816
755 out of 868,048 Veterans
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  • PVT Jun 64
  • CPL Jul 64
  • SGT Oct 67
  • CPT Jun 69
  • MAJ Jul 73
  • LTC Apr 79
Commissioning Source:  Enlisted-to-Officer, Jun 1979

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1960 Qualified BRCS First Aid Examiner
1962-64 age 17, Orthopædic Nurse Diploma
1964-68 Royal Army Medical Corps Sgt Enlisted, Reg to Reserve
1969-71 Qualified State Registered Nurse. RAMC Commission Capt
1971-83 Director Operating Theatres
1981 Qualified Registered Nurse-1983 Immigrated to USA
1983-2010 Various managerial Operating Room positions SC NY SC CA Retd 2010
2001 Proud US Citizen.

Military Experiences

May 1964 - Mar 1981
Regimental Medical Officers Assistant
On enlistment, 1964-1968 I was already qualified with an Orthopædic Nursing Certificate, I deployed through the UK Military Hospitals, Catterick, Aldershot, and Colchester. However, my primary function was to train as a Field Combat Medic, parallel to the Operating Theatre. (US - Operating Room).

Desiring to train for the qualification of State Registered Nurse (SRN) I transfered to the Reserve, and 1969 saw me once again, a Student Nurse, graduating in 1971, as an SRN. Two years post-grad, I went on to complete my MSN.

At this time the Royal Army had three levels of Reserve, in ascending order of priority these were, Territorial Army Volunteer Reserve TAVR III, TAVR II, and TAVR I. I committed to TAVR I. Our commitment required, two eevenings a week, alternate weekends, and a two week Annual Camp. Being Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC) Attached 5 Queens Bn (V) (5QV) Now Commissioned serving in the role of Regimental Medical Officers Assistant (RMOA), in addition to the 5QV Annual Camp, I was obliged to further complete an Annual Camp with the RAMC. This in order to keep up with training and administration. In TAVR I, one was required to maintain a level of physical fitness, sufficient for one to deploy in a period of two weeks.

Posting out of 5QV, i spent time 305 Fld Gen Hospital, and 209 Fld Gen Hosp before being posted back to 5QV, where I remained until USA Immigration, 04/26/1983.

The RMOA role is to assist the MO in clinical duties and Sick Parades, in both Brks. and in the Field. Commanding and training the Regimental Medical Assistant Team, and latterly, two RAMC Med Asst's, ensuring their training, in both Medical and Infantry skills. Perhaps, this is why, I was that rare commodity, of being an officer who can read a map. (Joke).

Combat Field Medic, in today's Army, a Combat Field Technician, my role far exceeded that of field 1st Aid. My skills, sadly, came to be used on several occasions.

In addition to my RAMC duties, I was also, the Operating Theatre Superintendant, (US - Director) of the Isle of Thanet District Hospital in which I was employed.

Security Clearance: Top secret as it pertained to all areas, under which my
Corps had command.
Top Secret within the Bn., to whom attached, as it pertained to my RMOA
As a US Citizen my National Security responsibilities are those of any citizen as it applies to fellow citizens, family, community and nation.


(1 year)
Sep 1974 - Aug 1975
United Nations Cyprus
Medical cover to 2 Queens, Belfast patrols, and maintenance of the 5QV Battalion Medical Centre. Casualty Evacuation (CASEVAC) duties, from Belfast to various UK RAMC Hospitals.

Military Credentials

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Apr 1962 - Jun 1975

Royal Sea Bathing Hospital, RAMC, Margate General Hospital, Thanet Technical College UK


Jun 1986

ONC, AMN, Fld Cmbt Medic, SRN, MSN, (UK). RN, CNOR (USA)

Additional Specialization(s)

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

1990 - 2010

Joint Board of Clinical Nursing Studies

Associate Degree


NY State Board of Nursing

Bachelors Degree


NY State Board of Nursing

Associate Degree

1973 - 1975

Thanet Technical College

Master's Degree

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