Recent Activity -
University of Arizona Graduate School - 18th-Century France and Anthropology, 1990-96. Tutor, English composition, 1993-96. Wabash College, IN - German major, 1965-66. Walter Johnson HS, Bethesda, MD, 1965 - Academic Degree. Born Cape Town, South Africa. Lived in Bangkok, 1948-51, Singapore, 1954-56, Berlin 1957-60. Father was a senior Foreign Service Officer and diplomat.
Military Experiences
Sep 1968 - Jul 1970
Military Police Sgt
Garrison MP
1969 - Dec 1969
NCOIC of Company Training
Kept training records; listed personnel due for various qualifying requirements.
In January, 1970 enrolled in a "Project Transition" computer class at El Paso Community College.
In January, 1970 enrolled in a "Project Transition" computer class at El Paso Community College.
Sep 1968 - Apr 1969
As PFC and SP4 did general MP duties, including stockade and reactionary force.
Night Shift NCOIC
Day shift as well. Checked on MPs on patrol, gate and special duties at the fort and helped them when needed or when called for...on the road the entire shift. Also assigned to Colorado Springs foot and motorized town patrol.
Military Credentials
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Jul 1969 - Aug 1969
Military Police Supervisors' School, Fort Gordon, GA
Jul 1968 - Sep 1968
Military Police School, Fort Gordon, GA
Sep 1967 - Jul 1968
Signal Corps, Fixed Cryptology School, Fort Monmouth, NJ
Jul 1967 - Sep 1967
Basic Training: Co A, 3rd Bn, 1st Training Bde, Fort Bragg, NC
Dec 1969
NCO Supervisors' Course, Fort Carson, CO
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
None / Expired
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information