I am getting prepared for neurosurgery at Walter Reed National Medical center
I am feeling Nostalgic tonight - here i 2:05 / 6:48
Sugarloaf - Green Eyed Lady
I am feeling Nostalgic tonight - here i 2:05 / 6:48
Sugarloaf - Green Eyed Lady

Posted from youtube.com
Edited 4 mo ago
Posted 4 mo ago
Responses: 10
Edited 3 mo ago
Posted 4 mo ago
I am getting prepared for neurosurgery at Walter Reed National Medical center
I am scheduled for the cervical surgery on February 5, 2025
Lemon Pipers - Green Tambourine
FYI COL Mikel J. Burroughs COL Randall C.LTC Trent Klug SFC Jo Ann Klawitter SGT James Murphy SSG Robert Pratt SGM Major StroupeMajor SSG Jeffrey LeakePO2 (Join to see)PO3 Edward RiddleSPC Lyle Montgomery SPC Gary C. SPC Michael TerrellCPL Douglas Chrysler SPC Michael Duiricko SMSgt Lawrence McCarter SGT Steven Bolander
I am scheduled for the cervical surgery on February 5, 2025
Lemon Pipers - Green Tambourine
FYI COL Mikel J. Burroughs COL Randall C.LTC Trent Klug SFC Jo Ann Klawitter SGT James Murphy SSG Robert Pratt SGM Major StroupeMajor SSG Jeffrey LeakePO2 (Join to see)PO3 Edward RiddleSPC Lyle Montgomery SPC Gary C. SPC Michael TerrellCPL Douglas Chrysler SPC Michael Duiricko SMSgt Lawrence McCarter SGT Steven Bolander
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
SPC Lyle Montgomery
4 mo
Ltc Stephen Ford, The lemon pipers, another great choice, good group. God bless you and may he be with you in your surgery.
PO3 Edward Riddle
4 mo
Thank You Brother Steve for playing The Lemon Pipers - Green Tambourine. What a wonderful oldie. My Prayers your way for the surgery and recovery. My Dad was born at Walter Reed hospital and would be 100 years old tomorrow. What a coincidink.
LTC Stephen F.
4 mo
You are very welcome my audiophile friends and brothers-in-Christ SPC Lyle Montgomery and PO3 Edward Riddle
Edited 4 mo ago
Posted 4 mo ago
I am getting prepared for neurosurgery at Walter Reed National Medical center
Strawberry Alarm Clock - Incense & Peppermint
FYI COL Randall C. LTC Trent Klug 1SG Joseph Dartey MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. Maj Bill Smith, Ph.D. SFC Jo Ann Klawitter SSgt David M. SSG Robert Pratt SSG Jeffrey Leake SP5 Dennis LobergerSGT Mary G.SGT James Murphy SGT John " Mac " McConnell SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth PO3 Edward Riddle SPC Lyle MontgomeryPO2 (Join to see) PO3 Edward Riddle Bethina LeeSSgt Robert Marx
Strawberry Alarm Clock - Incense & Peppermint
FYI COL Randall C. LTC Trent Klug 1SG Joseph Dartey MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. Maj Bill Smith, Ph.D. SFC Jo Ann Klawitter SSgt David M. SSG Robert Pratt SSG Jeffrey Leake SP5 Dennis LobergerSGT Mary G.SGT James Murphy SGT John " Mac " McConnell SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth PO3 Edward Riddle SPC Lyle MontgomeryPO2 (Join to see) PO3 Edward Riddle Bethina LeeSSgt Robert Marx
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
SPC Lyle Montgomery
4 mo
Ltc Stephen Ford, The Strawberry alarm clock, I only remember one song. Insence Pepperment, It was good, Psycedelic music at the time. You are draging up a lit of gray matter in my brain with these old songs. Thanks. God be with you tomorrow.
PO3 Edward Riddle
4 mo
Thank You Brother Steve for playing The Strawberry Alarm Clock - Incense & Peppermint. Another blast from the past.
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