Posted on Jul 2, 2024
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
2 July 1863: The Army of Northern Virginia battles to a draw with the Army of the Potomac on the second day at Gettysburg.

For details, see:

ILLUSTRATIONS: (1) Gens. John Bell Hood, James Longstreet, Robert E. Lee, and A. P. Hill meet together for the first and last time early on the second day at Gettysburg. (2) Maj. Gens. George Meade and Winfield Scott Hancock confer early on the second day at Gettysburg. (3) Brig. Gen. Gouvernour K. Warren surveys the Gettysburg battlefield from the Round Tops. (4) Men of the 20th Maine Vol. Inf. rush to the summit of Little Round Top to take up positions in the line. (5) Maj. Gen. John Bell Hood protests his orders to Lt. Gen. James Longstreet. (6) Men of the 20th Maine Vol. Inf. and 15th Ala. Inf. Regts. square off in an epic clash on Little Round Top. (7) Col. Joshua Chamberlain & men of the 20th Maine repel rebel attackers and launch a bayonet attack that ended the threat on the Union left flank. (8) Col. Strong Vincent commands the four-regt. bde. holding Little Round Top on the extreme Union left flank. (9) Men of the 5th Tex. Vol. Inf. reach the crest of Little Round Top, only to be thrown back by Vincent's brigade's counterattack. (10) Hazlett's Battery on Little Round Top supports the Union counterattack across 'the Valley of Death' late on the second day.
Edited 3 mo ago
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Responses: 13
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
Edited 3 mo ago
ILLUSTRATIONS (Cont.): (11) The Devil's Den, looking toward Little Round Top, where the men of Hood's Texas division retreated after their assault on Little Round Top. (12) Reilly's battery counters Hazlett's guns on Little Round Top. (13) Maj. Gen. George Meade admonishes Maj. Gen. Daniel Sickles in the Peach Orchard for moving his III Corps a half-mile forward against orders on the second day. (14) Brig. Gen. William Barksdale's brigade launches a furious charge on III Corps units holding the Sherfy farm and the Peach Orchard. (15) The 73d New York Zouaves stand their ground in the Peach Orchard as Barksdale's Mississippians make a determined assault. (16) The Peach Orchard line finally collapses. (17) Men of Maj. Gen. Lafayette McLaw's division advance through a cornfield on the Trostle farm on Day 2. (18) Capt. John Bigelow's 9th Mass. Btry. supports Sickles' III Corps from the Trostle Farm on Day 2. (19) Confederate soldiers anxiously await orders as they watch the action unfold while in reserve on Day 2. (20) Maj. Gen. Hancock gives the order for II Corps units to counterattack on Cemetery Ridge as elements of McLaws' division approach.

SGT Wayne Dunn Amn (Join to see) SGT J.D. Corr SPC Lisa Hughes LTC Tom Jones A1C Crystal Winbush SPC Mike Bennett 1LT Larry Bass CPT (Join to see) SGT Gerald “Jerry” Harrell MSG (Join to see) SGT Damaso V Santana 1SG Dean Mcbride (MPER) (CPHR) PFC Francine Fontana SPC Jared Robbins Pvt Thomas Chapman CPL Miguel Velez SrA Bruce Banner CPT Art Jacobs CPT Endre Barath
COL John McClellan
COL John McClellan
3 mo
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
2 mo
Those were the days! I prefer armor-piercing discarding sabot at 3,000 meters myself . . .
LTC Ken Bowers
LTC Ken Bowers
2 mo
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MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
Edited 3 mo ago
ILLUSTRATIONS (Cont.): (21) The Irish Bde. battles elements of McLaws' division on Cemetery Ridge on Day 2. (22) The 4th Mich. Vol. Inf.'s Lt. Michael Vreeland fires his revolver at one of the rebels holding the unit's colors in the chaos in the Rose Farm wheatfield on Day 2. (23) The 1st Minn. Vol. Inf.'s bayonet charge on Day 2 bought time for II Corps to finish plugging a gap on Cemetery Ridge. (24) Brig. Gen. Samuel Crawford and the Penn. Reserve Div. stopped McLaws' division at Plum Run in the "Valley of Death" on Day 2. (25) A savage fight occurs on the Union right late in the day on Cemetery Hill as Maj. Gen. Jubal Early's division hits the extreme right flank of Maj. Gen. Oliver Howard's XI Corps. (26) A Zouave takes stock of Confederate II Corps dead on Culp's Hill after their failed attack on a New York brigade late on Day 2. (27) Men of Hood's Texas Div. hole up in the Devil's Den late on Day 2. (28) Maj. Gen. George Meade's council of war with his corps commanders after the second day's action at Gettysburg.

PFC Mike B. SFC Jeff Orlowski LTC Ken Bowers CPT Doug Berz SPC (Join to see) CPO (Join to see) PO2 Harold Ashton SSG Byron Hewett CPL Glenn Whaley PFC Andrew "Tommy" M. SGT Robert Urbaniak SSG Robert Pratt CPT Tommy Curtis SSG Thomas Barry SSG (Join to see) PO3 Myles Post PO2 Marco Monsalve SGT (Join to see) Maj Maria Avellaneda SSG Tu Tran
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SGT Ruben Lozada
Good evening MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.. Excellent post. Thank you for sharing this Sir.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
3 mo
You're welcome. Check back early tomorrow. I'll finish posting the art late tonight. . . .
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
3 mo
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. - Was this part of your PhD studies? You are very well-versed on Gettysburg.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
2 mo
MAJ Hugh Blanchard - No. My major field was Modern Western Military History: From the Rise of Nation States to the Present. I had three subfields: U.S. Diplomatic History, U.S. Political History from Reconstruction, and U.S. Social/Cultural History, 1880-1980.

However, as a USMA asst. prof., I led a lot of Civil War and Revolutionary War staff rides--especially to Gettysburg and Antietam. . . .
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