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Responses: 10
SP5 Robert Ruck
Seems like everybody has something negative to say about Walmart. Hmm. I do most of my shopping there. Great prices and for the most part, friendly employees. In my opinion if you don't like the way you are treated as an employee quit and get a job elsewhere. What, can't find another job? Then quit whining and find satisfaction with what you are doing. This minimum wage argument drives me nuts. Mac Donald's, Walmart, Burger King jobs are not meant to provide income to raise a family. If you want a sustainable income then learn a trade or get a worthwhile college education.
SGT John " Mac " McConnell
SGT John " Mac " McConnell
>1 y
I try to go to the ma and pa stores but, sometimes Wal-Mart is the only place that will have the item I am looking for. Thanks SP5 Robert Ruck
SPC James Gromley
SPC James Gromley
7 y
Hello SP5 Robert Ruck, I was and in some way are still of the same think as you on Walmart. But seeing as I was fired for what they said was over find $5.00 in the parking lot, which according to manger that fired me they had to pay out to someone who said they lost it, at the same time and in the same year in which Walmart made over 6.4 billion dollars well in kinda pissed me off. I was one of their best workers at the time and not just in y own mind, I still have customers at the place I worked telling me it is not the same place with out me there. But know seeing as the local Kmart which was their competeter will soon be closing I expect their prices to go up in a big way. You are right about them holding lower prices but we will soon see if it stays that way in my area. Also you hit the nail on the head about employees whinning and complaining about how bad their jobs are, I am of the same thinking as you if you do not like your job quite and get a new one, do not come to work piss off and angry about it and ruin the day for your coworkers.
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SGT Eric Knutson
I am one of those who will not shop at Wally world anymore, and I have not walked through their doors at all in the last 5 years. while I agree they need to keep the unions out, in my eyes their biggest faux pas is the fact that the Walton family is the richest family in the world, and they could EASILY give every employee a pay raise of at least $1- 2 which would get them up from minimum wage (my ex worked for them and after 3 years she was still only making a little over minimum wage) not the $9 something they quoted. The kids and the corporate officers need to get the greed out of their system (I know not likely) and there is a point, as Sam pointed out, that profits and savings need to take a back seat to doing the right thing for their employees. And the fact that they are putting them up everywhere is a little rediculous as well. Alb is a large land mass area, but do we really need 12 or 13 super centers and another 10 or 12 local shops (groceries only) some of these are only a few blocks from one another? or maybe close one or two and transfer the employees to the others, giving a little better service (more people on the floors / cashiers)
So for myself, I buy local as often as possible, and if it is something that I can only get at wallyworld, I either look on the net, or I guess I just did not need it after all. IMHO
SGT John " Mac " McConnell
SGT John " Mac " McConnell
>1 y
They used to boast. Selling products made in America. Not anymore ! I try not to go there. Thanks for sharing.
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Maj Marty Hogan
Morning SGT John " Mac " McConnell if we could have only bought in early brother....
Maj Marty Hogan
Maj Marty Hogan
>1 y
SSG Edward Tilton - they bust the egg farms and the beef plants all the time. You're losing me here.... I like the country I live in.
SSG Edward Tilton
SSG Edward Tilton
>1 y
Do they arrest the owners? Hell no. You bust the worker and three more want his job. Arrest the owner and the job goes away. Are you insinuating that I don't like America?
Who appointed you?
Maj Marty Hogan
Maj Marty Hogan
>1 y
SSG Edward Tilton - wow you have totally slipped off the farm. They don't arrest the owners- they fine them. The illegals are illegal. Total different subject than the string started. You went totally batshit left- I merely stated I like my country and your responses were slavemart and unions. As a historian the Unions did great things and then outlived their usefulness and becasme what they were fighting.
SSG Edward Tilton
SSG Edward Tilton
>1 y
Maj Marty Hogan - They Do? I only know of one. Blame the workers and build a wall, that way your sure this issue will still be around for the next election.
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