SGT Eric Knutson

SGT Eric Knutson

Dates of Service: Apr 1987 - Oct 1997
85% Complete
53 Contacts
Influence Score: 122,606
715 out of 868,063 Veterans
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  • PVT
  • PV2
  • PFC Aug 89
  • SPC 91
  • SGT 93

Recent Activity  -


I have had a varied career in and out of the Military, doing mostly customer service of one form or another, worked as a recovery person in and out of the Army, Fuel points (C stores) up through truck stops, windshield repairs. places where I interact with the customers is where I seem to do the best when I feel that I am actually being helpful or benificial to the people that I am serving.

Tow truck driver, Security guard, Customer service rep for different gas stations, Schwan's driver, auto glass repair tech

Military Experiences

Section Leader
Linked up with HHC in Bosnia and assisted them in the remainder of the deployment, and escorted the equipment back to home station by Rail. ETS due to injuries sustained.
1993 - 1997
Blacksheep Motor Pool
Assistant team leader MST 4, Assistant team lead and team lead Support and POL. Welder, Recovery NCO, Service team NCO and Assistant Inspector Augmentee intake. Performing a variety of tasks around the area, most rewarding, I actually just found out about, had a young newly married soldier that I saw promise in, who was about to ETS. I encouraged him to try a second unit before deciding on in or out. Just found out that he pushed and recently retired after 20 + years, and still married to the same woman.
Sep 1991 - Oct 1993
C Co
SAW Gunner
Linked up with unit after their return from Desert Storm, got through the AASLT class shortly after finishing replacement depot. Integrated into the squad as part of a really good team. Trained with, and then Deployed to Sinai with 2nd Sq 1st Plt. where we worked together and pushed each other to improve our counditioning, trained hard together.
Jan 1990 - Aug 1991
Scout / Mechanic
Best unit, hardest unit I was part of. Got my head right from the beginning even if it did not seem that way to those around me


(1 year, 9 months)
Mar 1997 - May 1997
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Deployed for a few months for the closing of the Mission of 2/1 AVN Tuzla West as a shop NCO Ground and assisted with escorting the equipment home to Katterbach GE
1992 - 1993
Deployed for the MFO Rotation 23 with C 2/502 as a SAW gunner RTO at SCC 5
Dec 1990 - May 1991
Saudi Arabia
Deployed in a Maint slot for F Co 51st inf as part of HHC 511th MI,

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools

Nov 1993 - Mar 1994

Dec 1989

Sep 1989 - Dec 1989


Security Clearance
None / Expired
How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter