As a top cybersecurity executive, I have extensive expertise in delivering cutting edge security solutions crucial to government and industry. I have upheld a world-leading standard of excellence while supporting security, infrastructure, engineering and operations. I am a featured speaker and trainer for federal and state government agencies and FORTUNE 100 companies.
If you think security is nothing more than another cost center, we need to talk. Properly applied, security measures become a true enabler of all information technology. I know how to find synergies, revenues, and savings that are often overlooked by others. Let me show you how.
If you think security is nothing more than another cost center, we need to talk. Properly applied, security measures become a true enabler of all information technology. I know how to find synergies, revenues, and savings that are often overlooked by others. Let me show you how.
Military Experiences
Feb 1996 - May 2003
Action Officer (USAFR)
Supported Y2K Program Office, Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), and Web Server Security Policy Development across multiple staff assignments.
Feb 1989 - Feb 1996
Systems Analyst (USAFR)
Previously organized as the Defense Communications Agency (DCA). Received the Joint Meritorious Unit Award for support during Desert Storm. Served on a team of eight civilian and military analysts for World-wide Military Command and Control System (WWMCCS). Was active duty during Desert Storm but was not deployed.
Feb 1983 - Feb 1987
Computer Programmer
Currently organized as the Business and Enterprise Systems (BES) Directorate under AFMC. Previously organized as the AF Data Systems Design Center (AFDSDC) and AF Standard Information Systems Center (SISC) under AF Communications Command (AFCC). Completed Phase IV Applications Programmer Training. Led standardization of administrative and classified procurement vehicles for microcomputer hardware and software used by the Departments of the Air Force, Navy, and Army. Estimated savings: $140M. This approach evolved to the standard GSA contract vehicles for information technology in use today.
Military Credentials
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Jul 1983
Phase IV Application Programmer
Nov 1982 - Feb 1983
Computer Systems Development Officer
Oct 2008
Certified in the Governance of Enterprise IT (CGEIT)
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Prefer not to say
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees