Posted on Apr 10, 2023
In Franklin, Tennessee, an LGBTQ pride festival meets fierce resistance
Posted 2 y ago
Responses: 3
Here is the thing for me. I never had a problem with LGBTQ over the years. Your life your choice go do your thing. I started having a problem with it when it becomes a subject that is thrown down my throat and beign taught to my kids and grandkids...and it becomes the mainstream for every conversation. That is when it became an issue for me. You want to have your festivals, then go ahead. But don't come after me or mine if we don't agree with you. Live your life and we will live ours....but don't ram your lifestyle down my throat.
see attached video...sums it up pretty good for me!
Lt Col Charlie Brown LTC Trent Klug MSgt John McGowan Cpl Vic Burk Sgt (Join to see) CWO4 Terrence Clark CPL Douglas Chrysler SGT Jim Arnold MSgt James Parker LTC Stephen F. SGT Steve McFarland SGT Mark Anderson SMSgt Lawrence McCarter CMSgt (Join to see) SPC Gary C. COL Randall C. Sgt (Join to see)
see attached video...sums it up pretty good for me!
Lt Col Charlie Brown LTC Trent Klug MSgt John McGowan Cpl Vic Burk Sgt (Join to see) CWO4 Terrence Clark CPL Douglas Chrysler SGT Jim Arnold MSgt James Parker LTC Stephen F. SGT Steve McFarland SGT Mark Anderson SMSgt Lawrence McCarter CMSgt (Join to see) SPC Gary C. COL Randall C. Sgt (Join to see)
#stitch with @marcuskane43
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel good day Brother William, always informational and of the most interesting. Thanks for sharing, have a blessed day!
Funny that the right-wingers (no longer extremists on the right but rather the entirety of it) have no problems with priests being around kids.
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
I have a problem with anyone I don't know being around my kids or grandkids unsupervised. That is why we implemented at our church, mandatory background checks, training, and two person concept at all times when around kids for anyone the works with kids...staff and one is ever alone witha chile in our church or any off campus church event. You don't get the background check and the training you don't get to be with them. As I stated above, I have never had a problem with thei live yours and I will live mine...just don't shovel it down my throat or my families throat...don't call me a racist or homophobe because I don't attend your events...its just not for me or mine...go ahead and have them...just like it is your right to hold them and go, it is my right to not have to attend them and not be called something because of my choice. You see that is the problem with the left...if you don't agree with them and get on board they resort to name calling like racist, homophobe, xenophobe, and on and on on.
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Well...there it is and that didn't take long...the VOICE OF UNREASON!!!
Yes people can pass background checks and still be bad...get in the military everyday. BUT we have also implemented two person concept when around kids and cameras covering the entire campus. The little kids area is locked and only the parent can check them out. Are there cracks in the system that people can exploit...YES. But nothing is perfect, but it is better than letting a priest be alone with your child.
It is absolutely being shoved down Americas Throat...LGBTQIA is Americas buzzword now...When I have to go to sensitivity training, acceptance training, and have down days to sit in rooms and talk about the trans world like they are special then yes it is being shoved down my throat...when I am in the mens locker room and a trans male comes i there and gets naked for the sauna with all their female parts out in the open, that makes me uncomfortable an I am being told to accept it...that is shoving it down my throat...When trans female athletes are competing in female sports and dominating because they are physically stronger than the females and taking away accolades and trophies and award from potential Olympians that have trained their whole life as females...and I am being told I have to accept that...that is being shoved down my throat...Just becasue I choose not to attend a LGBTQIA event because I don't believe in it I am labeled a Transphobe. When a murdering coward that just happens to be trans KILLS 6 innocent people of which three were children and then being labeled a victim as well by the White House Press office and that is how we should look at this as it was also an attack on Transgenederism...that is being shoved down my throat. I don't want to be around these events so I choose not to attend. But if I don't I am labeled...that is shoving it down my throat. If you have your events then have them...It is my right to not attend for whatever reason without being labeled...that is shoving it down my throat.
We know that you will call folks names as above...not a shocker at all. That is what happens when there is no substance. Cheers
Lt Col Charlie Brown LTC Trent Klug MSgt John McGowan Cpl Vic Burk Sgt (Join to see) CWO4 Terrence Clark CPL Douglas Chrysler SGT Jim Arnold MSgt James Parker LTC Stephen F. SGT Steve McFarland SGT Mark Anderson SMSgt Lawrence McCarter CMSgt (Join to see) SPC Gary C. COL Randall C. Sgt (Join to see)
Yes people can pass background checks and still be bad...get in the military everyday. BUT we have also implemented two person concept when around kids and cameras covering the entire campus. The little kids area is locked and only the parent can check them out. Are there cracks in the system that people can exploit...YES. But nothing is perfect, but it is better than letting a priest be alone with your child.
It is absolutely being shoved down Americas Throat...LGBTQIA is Americas buzzword now...When I have to go to sensitivity training, acceptance training, and have down days to sit in rooms and talk about the trans world like they are special then yes it is being shoved down my throat...when I am in the mens locker room and a trans male comes i there and gets naked for the sauna with all their female parts out in the open, that makes me uncomfortable an I am being told to accept it...that is shoving it down my throat...When trans female athletes are competing in female sports and dominating because they are physically stronger than the females and taking away accolades and trophies and award from potential Olympians that have trained their whole life as females...and I am being told I have to accept that...that is being shoved down my throat...Just becasue I choose not to attend a LGBTQIA event because I don't believe in it I am labeled a Transphobe. When a murdering coward that just happens to be trans KILLS 6 innocent people of which three were children and then being labeled a victim as well by the White House Press office and that is how we should look at this as it was also an attack on Transgenederism...that is being shoved down my throat. I don't want to be around these events so I choose not to attend. But if I don't I am labeled...that is shoving it down my throat. If you have your events then have them...It is my right to not attend for whatever reason without being labeled...that is shoving it down my throat.
We know that you will call folks names as above...not a shocker at all. That is what happens when there is no substance. Cheers
Lt Col Charlie Brown LTC Trent Klug MSgt John McGowan Cpl Vic Burk Sgt (Join to see) CWO4 Terrence Clark CPL Douglas Chrysler SGT Jim Arnold MSgt James Parker LTC Stephen F. SGT Steve McFarland SGT Mark Anderson SMSgt Lawrence McCarter CMSgt (Join to see) SPC Gary C. COL Randall C. Sgt (Join to see)
LTC Trent Klug
I'll see your priests, who by the way, also molested kids in deep blue cities and whose parishioners have gone back to the same actions as before the scandals became public. And if I recall correctly those MAGA bastions of New York City, Chicago, and Los Angeles led the way in lawsuits against the Church.
But I have to say the libs of Tik Tok show wxactly how much the left cares about indoctrination for all things trans, all things CRT, and DEI.
But I have to say the libs of Tik Tok show wxactly how much the left cares about indoctrination for all things trans, all things CRT, and DEI.
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