Posted on Apr 4, 2024
Germany must bring back conscription – defense minister
Posted 11 mo ago
Responses: 6
Fr RT article: “A survey conducted showed that only 10% of Germans expressed confidence that the armed forces could defend the country in the event of a conflict… only 17% of Germans were ‘definitely’ willing to take up arms and defend their country even if faced with foreign aggression.”
That’s a shame for Germany. But the US military (Army, Navy, Air force) is also suffering shortfalls in recruiting in the last several years. Morale and demoralization is a big factor: Young people don’t care about serving, or have been conditioned to hate America by Leftists.
Amn Roger Omberg LTC (Join to see) Lt Col Charlie Brown LTC Marc King CSM Charles Hayden 1SG (Join to see) MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. SFC William Farrell SFC John Davis SSgt David M. Cpl Vic Burk SP5 Robert Kennedy
(12/2023) [login to see] 112
That’s a shame for Germany. But the US military (Army, Navy, Air force) is also suffering shortfalls in recruiting in the last several years. Morale and demoralization is a big factor: Young people don’t care about serving, or have been conditioned to hate America by Leftists.
Amn Roger Omberg LTC (Join to see) Lt Col Charlie Brown LTC Marc King CSM Charles Hayden 1SG (Join to see) MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. SFC William Farrell SFC John Davis SSgt David M. Cpl Vic Burk SP5 Robert Kennedy
(12/2023) [login to see] 112
Why Army recruitment is down in 2023 | Fox News Video
Middle East Forum Chief Editor Jim Hanson joins ‘Fox & Friends Weekend’ to explain why the U.S. Army numbers reached their lowest since 1940.
SP5 Robert Kennedy
For years I've been in favor of the Israeli requirements for USA as well, CSM Charles Hayden. EVERYONE can do something for the betterment of USA.
Amn Roger Omberg
I think just maybe, if the US would consider putting ELON MUSK IN CHARGE OF CONSCRIPTION, For love of country, who gave Him, & everyone like HIM, an invested interest in OUR nation, that maybe necessary now. Something must change, because, THE PEOPLE WILL SUFFER. Scripture says, "when there is NO vision, the people perish"
I was fortunate at my birth in TEXAS, however at that time, I didn't know it. MY Father was a WW1 veteran , who was injured on the bloody battlefield, when a German Hand grenade went off behind him breaking both ankles. There were No purple hearts then, however He still earned one, & My wife lost Her Dad again on the bloody battlefield, when SHE was only 2 months WW2 From our family experience, She, & I knew of the dangers that all of our countrymen face in this deadly world., because of our family experiences. We were taught at home about saluting the FLAG, & honoring those that volunteered to serve, because WE realized that may require a FUNERAL for which We were not prepared. WE all have our stories, but the bottom line is to be prepared, & right now OUR NATION in my opion is NOT PREPARED, to properly defend ourselves. WE are in dangerous situation because I feel like the INSANE IS RUNNING THE SANATARIUM.
I was fortunate at my birth in TEXAS, however at that time, I didn't know it. MY Father was a WW1 veteran , who was injured on the bloody battlefield, when a German Hand grenade went off behind him breaking both ankles. There were No purple hearts then, however He still earned one, & My wife lost Her Dad again on the bloody battlefield, when SHE was only 2 months WW2 From our family experience, She, & I knew of the dangers that all of our countrymen face in this deadly world., because of our family experiences. We were taught at home about saluting the FLAG, & honoring those that volunteered to serve, because WE realized that may require a FUNERAL for which We were not prepared. WE all have our stories, but the bottom line is to be prepared, & right now OUR NATION in my opion is NOT PREPARED, to properly defend ourselves. WE are in dangerous situation because I feel like the INSANE IS RUNNING THE SANATARIUM.
Pardon me for speaking my mind on this... USA should bring it back too! I know, many of you don't agree. Here are my thoughts on the topic. A few days before my induction date in July 1967, I withdrew all the money in my bank account (less than $1,000) with the idea that it would only cost a $0.25 bus ride to the Ambassador Bridge in downtown Detroit. Windsor Canada was on the other side of that bridge... not exactly a booming economy, but not a war zone either. The day prior to my induction I changed my mind. My dad and my uncles on both sides served during WWII. I didn't want to disgrace them so I went to the indicated address, raised my right hand and stepped forward. The following two years were a hands-on tutorial of who and what Americans were made of, for me. NOW, 50 years after receiving an Honorable Discharge, my two years in uniform for the service to my Country are the proudest two years of my life. I BECAME A GOOD AMERICAN. I EXPERIENCED SACRIFICE that the military demanded of me. I can say with certainty that without that immersion, I believe I might very well be someone (like many that I encounter in daily life) who DEMAND their RIGHTS, but are either ignorant or too self-centered to lift a finger to fulfill the responsibilities required to keep those rights and privileges. I'd like to hear your thoughts.
Amn Roger Omberg
If you scroll down a little, You can read my thots, but they are basically the same as you
I have recently sent a note to our GOVERNOR ABBOTT of TEXAS, asking him this basic question, "At what point will You, Sir, convene our state legislature to map out legislation to offer a volunteer all TEXAS MILITIA for the safety of our citizens, because the illegal entry by foreign villain's, Cartel members, Drug dealers etc. & none of it is addressed at all by the current POTUS, even tho our constitution demands it. I commend You for Your service to our nation, as well to all RP members, GOD BLESS ALL OF US!
I have recently sent a note to our GOVERNOR ABBOTT of TEXAS, asking him this basic question, "At what point will You, Sir, convene our state legislature to map out legislation to offer a volunteer all TEXAS MILITIA for the safety of our citizens, because the illegal entry by foreign villain's, Cartel members, Drug dealers etc. & none of it is addressed at all by the current POTUS, even tho our constitution demands it. I commend You for Your service to our nation, as well to all RP members, GOD BLESS ALL OF US!
Democrats in Europeans were upset when President Trump was scolding Germany, Canada and others for not putting 2% of their GDP toward defense and not recouping the billions that they didn't pay for years prior and add it back in.
Now the Europeans have given whatever little they have to Ukraine and they're left with almost nothing.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel LTC Eugene Chu
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter Lt Col Charlie Brown Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen CPT Jack Durish LTC Stephen F. CSM Charles Hayden 1SG Russell Scott 1SG Patrick Burke SFC Dr. Jesus Garcia-Arce, Psy.D SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL SFC John Davis LTC Trent Klug CDR Andrew McMenamin, PhD Col (Join to see) 1st Lt Padre Dave Poedel CPT (Join to see)
Now the Europeans have given whatever little they have to Ukraine and they're left with almost nothing.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel LTC Eugene Chu
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter Lt Col Charlie Brown Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen CPT Jack Durish LTC Stephen F. CSM Charles Hayden 1SG Russell Scott 1SG Patrick Burke SFC Dr. Jesus Garcia-Arce, Psy.D SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL SFC John Davis LTC Trent Klug CDR Andrew McMenamin, PhD Col (Join to see) 1st Lt Padre Dave Poedel CPT (Join to see)
Germany feuds over military spending target – DW – 07/13/2018
Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservatives want more money for Germany's military. But their Social Democratic coalition partners have pushed back, warning that Germany should not cave into demands made by Donald Trump.
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