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SrA John Monette
Wants Americans to lose their freedom to eat real meat. That’s a stretch even for you. I can’t even begin to imagine where you get the fantasies you continue to try and spread
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CPL LaForest Gray
DogWhistle Meaning :

History of the phrase :


SOURCE : https://www.law.berkeley.edu/php-programs/courses/fileDL.php?fID=7213

Diversity, Equality and Inclusion programs were started in America/Amerikkka - USA because of white legislators creating AMORL & IMORAL Laws.

To attempt to counterbalance white nationalism economic imperialism and racism is why “DEI/D.E.I. - Diversity, Equality & Inclusion” Programs and Laws were created.

Has/Had nothing to do with Israel then or now, unless Israel is creating racist policies & legislation in the United States of America.

The program was created to counter White Racism using the pen and paper … legal legislation.

1.) History of DEI: The Evolution of Diversity Training Programs
Read Time Estimate: 4 minutes

History of DEI Programs in the Early Stages

The origins of DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) in the workplace can be traced back to the mid-1960s It was a time when societal movements and legal changes began to reshape the corporate world.

The introduction of equal employment laws and affirmative action marked the beginning of workplace diversity training. They were aimed at helping employees adjust to increasingly integrated offices. Before this, many companies had known histories of racial discrimination which indicated a pressing need for change.

Initially, these training programs predominantly focused on racial discrimination. One common approach was to provide a list of workplace dos and don’ts. Employees underwent mandatory training sessions filled with workshops and questionnaires aimed at identifying personal biases.

However, this method faced challenges. Studies found that these bias-focused trainings had little lasting impact. Especially on male or white employees who often held more power within organizations.

SOURCE : https://www.ndnu.edu/history-of-dei-the-evolution-of-diversity-training-programs/


* Promote a Shared Experience
* Provide Broader Perspectives
* Nurture a More Positive Workplace
* Understand Customers Better
* Add Integrity to the Team
* Put Actions Behind Words
* Give Opportunities to All
* Mirror the Market
* Generate Fresh Insights
* Gain Global Appeal
* Encourage Innovation
* Experience Better Retention
* Promote a Shared Experience

When we make the case for the importance of DEI, we can do so in two crucial ways: the moral case and the business case. The human or moral case refers to our shared humanity and how when one group suffers we all suffer, and when we invest in the equity of every group, we all benefit. Heather McGhee’s latest book, The Sum of Us, makes a strong case for this.

SOURCE : https://www.claremontlincoln.edu/12-reasons-why-diversity-equity-and-inclusion-are-important-in-business/
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LTC Self Employed
Edited 2 mo ago
These are her STELLAR accomplishments. She has her fingers on the Biden Murder Weapon. She is accountable even if the COUP got rid of POTUS BIDEN for Nov. 2024.

LTC Thomas (Tom) Jones Sgt (Join to see) CMDCM John F. "Doc" Bradshaw
1SG Dean Mcbride (MPER) (CPHR) SFC John Davis MAJ David Potter
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
2 mo
SrA John Monette euphemism meaning She is responsible. She was the 'tie breaker' when the Senate is Deadlocked 50 Democrats/50 Republicans....She makes the Inflationary Inflation Reduction Act (that causes inflation). SHE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL BIDEN signed into law.
Larry Summers is a Democrat Economist (who believes in 'Trickle Down Economics ' and knows that Lower Taxes mean more revenue (Laffer Curve). Larry Summers was Economist, Assistant and later Secretary of the Treasury under Clinton and Obama. He has common sense.

SrA John Monette CPL LaForest Gray

Lt Col Charlie Brown Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen CPT Jack Durish LTC Stephen F. CSM Charles Hayden 1SG Russell Scott 1SG Patrick Burke SFC Dr. Jesus Garcia-Arce, Psy.D SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL SFC John Davis LTC Trent Klug 1SG Dean Mcbride (MPER) (CPHR) SrA John Monette LTC Marc King SrA John Monette 1st Lt Padre Dave Poedel CPT (Join to see)

VPs are like Officers. They are responsible for the success or failure of their Administration.
SSG (Join to see)
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
2 mo
SrA John Monette
Lt Col Charlie Brown Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen CPT Jack Durish LTC Stephen F. CSM Charles Hayden 1SG Russell Scott 1SG Patrick Burke SFC Dr. Jesus Garcia-Arce, Psy.D SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL SFC John Davis LTC Trent Klug CDR Andrew McMenamin, PhD Col (Join to see) 1st Lt Padre Dave Poedel CPT (Join to see)

https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/07/26/business/larry-summers-biden-inflation#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh= [login to see] 839&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com
SrA John Monette CPL LaForest Gray
1SG Dean Mcbride (MPER) (CPHR) Sgt (Join to see) SrA John Monette
Harris and Biden NOT Trump gave us 20% inflation overall since Biden/Harris took Office. Trump had a 2% average. Inflation is at 3% now but it went up about 8-9% the first year.
Bidenomics sucks the big Transgender hot Dog.

Interest rates were 2-3% under Trump not 7-8% under this Administration. The tenant who rents my house in California is a mortgage broker who can't get people to sell their homes.(They have Trump low mortgage rate) and do not want to buy a home at the Biden/Harris higher mortgage rate. He declared bankruptcy last year. I still get rent money but his business is hurting due to Bidenflation.
SrA John Monette
SrA John Monette
2 mo
It was worse under another republican, namely reagan
1SG Dean Mcbride (MPER) (CPHR)
1SG Dean Mcbride (MPER) (CPHR)
2 mo
SrA John Monette John, do you have any education!? If so, where did you go to school? Worse under Reagan... Forty years ago, when Ronald Reagan finished his first year of office, inflation was at a high rate — 8.9 percent. At the time, Americans were also coping with cost-of-living increases, including groceries rising 4.3 percent and gas prices rising 10 percent. On the campaign trail in 1980, Reagan described inflation as “violent as a mugger, as frightening as an armed robber and as deadly as a hit man.” He would spend the first few years of his presidency beating down inflation.

Reagan lowered taxes, reduced government spending, slashed red tape, and the Fed under Paul Volcker tightened the monetary supply through higher interest rates. The harsh measures brought on a short but major recession from 1981 – 1982, which at the time was the worst economic downturn in the United States since the Great Depression.
Contrast this to Pres. Biden, who first ignored the issue, then blamed it on Russian Pres. Vladimir Putin when he invaded Ukraine, then added corporate greed to the litany of excuses. Finally, Biden conceded that inflation is “unacceptably high” and announced a plan to reduce the impact of inflation on Americans by partnering with companies to lower the price of high-speed Internet and “speak' with farmers about more we can do to lower their costs and help them produce more, lowering the price of food for Americans and around the world.” Cheaper Wi-Fi and conversations with America’s farmers doesn’t sound like much of a plan.
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