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Responses: 3
LTC Self Employed
LTC Thomas (Tom) Jones
LTC Thomas (Tom) Jones
4 mo
Well, Stephen, what would happen to you or me if we trotted a son or daughter of ours around the globe on Government transportation for the purpose of anything let alone conducting any kind of business for profit. A glaring breach of ethics at the very minimum. Blatant, "in your face, America" corruption is the only thing that passes the rule of common sense. How this is even partisan astounds and saddens me.
LTC Eugene Chu
LTC Eugene Chu
4 mo
Bobulinski is unable to name a specific crime during his testimony. He vaguely mentions RICO and corruption, but is unable to provide an exact statute.

CMSgt Marcus Falleaf
CMSgt Marcus Falleaf
4 mo
No bigger idiot than AOC. Not even joe.
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LTC Self Employed
LTC Eugene Chu
LTC Eugene Chu
4 mo
PO2 (Join to see) - Bobulinski was unable to name a specific crime.

LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
4 mo
LTC Eugene Chu
Because he wasn't given the chance. You could tell democrats were doing it for show and You could tell a democrats were doing it for show. Democrats.
Were using excuse of timehack.. The committee has the specific laws that were being violated. Stupid a o c was focusing specifically on the False fbi informant 'witness' that was arrested.

That is why I included the other videos.

Democrats/ Biden/ Hunter are toast!

Hunter demanded this open hearing and he knew he was screwed if his former business partners were there to dispute it and he was avoiding perjury!

Banks records indict the Biden crime family!

Joe Biden knew and AOC and others scared!

PO1 William "Chip" Nagel LTC Eugene Chu
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter Lt Col Charlie Brown Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen CPT Jack Durish 1SG Russell S. 1SG Patrick Burke SFC Dr. Jesus Garcia-Arce, Psy.D SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL SFC John D. LTC Trent Klug CDR Andrew McMenamin, PhD Col (Join to see) 1st Lt Padre Dave Poedel CPT (Join to see)

CMDCM John F. "Doc" Bradshaw
MSG Thomas Currie 1SG John Millan

He offered to be a pay-to-play advocate to any foreign entity that has money!
CMSgt Marcus Falleaf
CMSgt Marcus Falleaf
4 mo
Conservative view point here. Follow the constitution.
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SGT Whatever Needs Doing.
Mommy, He say Mean things.
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