1SG John Millan

1SG John Millan

Dates of Service: Jun 1981 - May 2006
95% Complete
85 Contacts
Influence Score: 187,097
539 out of 868,022 Veterans
About Discussions


  • LCpl Dec 81
  • Cpl Sep 82
  • Sgt Feb 85
  • SGT Oct 90
  • SSG Jun 92
  • SFC Jun 96
  • MSG Jun 98
  • 1SG Jun 01

Recent Activity  -


NRA-concealed carry & police instructor, VFW honor guard, DAV & USMC League. RET 25YR 1SG, NCARNG, 3 yrs active Army: Gulf War, Germany & Iraq. MP & MPI, 3 state disasters & active Army, USMC & USMCR. RET police chief NC & Alaska, RET elected coroner, farm, dog lover, conservative, Mason, Baptist, county music; Dodge trucks! Pro-veteran, pro-cop, pro gun! Liberal, woke or dem veteran = TRAITOR!

Military Experiences

Apr 2005 - May 2006
Criminal Investigator
Duty assignment while on medical hold, pending medical board process and retirement at Ft. Bragg, NC: military police investigator assigned to CID resident office, while on medical hold and being processed for medical disability retirement, by DA PDA. Handled walk-in complaints, reviewed court martial case report packets and conducted non-custodial interviews. Assisted command staff with policies and paperwork reviews. Liaisoned with JAG. Conducted law enforcement training. Awarded 2 Meritorious Service Medals.
Mar 2005 - May 2006
MP Desk Sergeant, Cumberland Co. NC Jail
Job assignment during medical hold and retirement process at Ft. Bragg NC: Military Police desk sergeant sergeant at Cumberland County NC Sheriffs Office: process and book US and allied military personnel who were arrested by any area agency and remanded to jail; contact unit representative for transfer to military custody. Left position when accepted as an investigator with CID.
Aug 2004 - Mar 2005
Investigations Chief
Military police investigator chief at joint MI-MP section: supervised 3 Army intel analysts, 1 Army CI agent, 2 OSI agents, 2 MP investigators, 2 Army dog handlers, 2 Navy dog handlers, 5 enlisted soldiers and 2 enlisted Airmen, along with 12, 3rd-country contract translators; liaison with multiple federal intel and LE agencies; intel assets from other services and allied intel; Danish and UK, along with regional Iraqi Police investigations unit. Worked on internal detainee escape and threat assessments at Camp Bucca internment facility and exterior threats from insurgents, also managed local friendly nationals as informants. Medevacked to Ft. Bragg for neck injury and med hold, for medical disability retirement. Iraq Campaign Medal, GWOT Medal, 2nd National Defense Medal, Good Conduct.
Oct 2002 - Mar 2005
First Sergeant
1SG, 105th MP Co: stood up new HQ Co. MPI, range officer, firearms instructor, counter-terror instructor, instructor, combat lifesaver. Selected for SGM, but unable to attend & complete USA SMA due to neck injury and medical retirement. Federally activated Aug 04-May, 06; Iraq, Oct 04-Mar, 05, medical hold at Ft. Bragg for medical retirement process. Assigned as MP desk SGT, Cumberland County Jail, then a CID investigator. Medically retired 80% Army disability, 100% VA. 2 MSM's 3 Arcoms, 3 AAM's, USMC & US Army Good Conduct Medals. USMC & US Army Reserve Medals, Armed Forces Reserve Medal, Gulf War and Iraq Campaign Medals, German Gold Shooting Cord, Moldovan Parachutist Badge, Moldovan Army MSM, Saudi Defense Medal, Kuwait Liberation Medal, USMC Distinguished Pistol w/other awards.


(2 years, 4 months)
Oct 2004 - Mar 2005
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Deployed to Camp Bucca Theater Internment Facility, Um Qasr Uraq and Kuwait. Medevacked to Ft. Bragg for a neck injury and med boarded. Retired medically w/80% Army and 100% VA, May, 06.
Aug 2003 - Sep 2003
Moldova-NATO Partnership for Peace
NCOIC-trainer of counter-terror training mission for Moldovan Army MP’s and police.
Oct 2000 - Nov 2000
MP duty Rose Barracks. Provided MP enhanced security at Landstuhl Regional Army Medical Center, following USS Cole terrorist bombing.
Jul 1996 - Mar 1997
Operation Joint Endeavor
MP platoon Sgt, Giessen and Kirch Gons Germany, replaced MP’s deployed to Balkans. Completed Smith and Wesson firearms instructor course. Mobed and de-Mobed at Ft. Benning.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Started in Nov 2004

Critical Care

Started in Jun 2004

Community Preparedness

Started in Jun 2003

Counter Terror Trainer

Started in Sep 2002

UCMJ-Geneva Conventions Course



NRA handgun instructor


NC concealed carry instructor


NC law enforcement instructor

Foreign Language Skills


German (1+/3+)


French (1/3)


Spanish (1+/2+)

Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Top Secret

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

2002 - 2004

Lansbridge University

MBA, Strategic Management

1998 - 2001

Henry Cogswell College

BA Business Management

Personal Information

2aAmerican history logo American Historyatv-utvbalkansWestern bbq graphic BBQBrewing logo Brewingchinese food2000px christian cross.svg Christianity85cf8abb Civil WarConcealed carry image Concealed CarryAf2d4403 ConservativeCountry music logo image Country Musicday trips.distilleriesDiy title DIY392025c1 Dogsenglish historyequineseuropean historyguns rural lifeHr Home Repair/Improvementitalian foodjapanjapanese foodLaw enforcement logo Law Enforcementlouisiana foodmexican food31ce836a Readingscandinaviascottish historyseafoodShooting cover Shooting (Sport)steakTeaching logo Teachingthai foodDog training logo Training DogsTrucks logo Trucksus armyusmcwineriesww2 historyWorld war 1 logo WWI
How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter
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