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Responses: 2
CPT Lawrence Cable
Will state again, the answer to the student loan problem has always been simple, nuke the Student Loan Programs and make the debt dischargeable in bankruptcy. It would force the colleges to cut cost to something affordable to the mainstream and that student with the $100,000 dollar philosophy degree can discharge that debt so he might be able to make a living wage at Walmart. That would take care of both private and public student loans at one time.

It won't happen because both sides of Congress, with a few exceptions, and most Administrations since Reagan have been bought by the financial institutions.
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
1 y
Thank you my friend CPT Lawrence Cable for responding and sharing your perspective and thoughts.
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LTC Stephen F.
Edited 1 y ago
The Supreme Court Strikes Down Biden's Student Debt Forgiveness Plan
In this video, we discuss the recent decision by the US Supreme Court to strike down President Joe Biden's proposal to cancel billions in student debt. Learn about the impact of the ruling, the number of affected borrowers, and Biden's vow to find alternative solutions. Discover the reasons behind the court's decision and its implications for the future of student debt.
FYI MCPO Hilary Kunz CPL Douglas ChryslerCWO3 Dave Alcantara ] SFC William Farrell GySgt Jack Wallace SSG Donald H "Don" Bates SPC Michael Terrell SPC Woody Bullard CPL Ronald Keyes Jr SSG Donald H "Don" Bates CMDCM John F. "Doc" Bradshaw PO3 Edward Riddle SPC Bob Ridley PO1 Jeff Chandler MSG Roy Cheever SPC Jon O. SPC Maurice Evans SPC Woody Bullard SP5 Dennis Loberger
GySgt Jack Wallace
GySgt Jack Wallace
1 y
Glad to hear this..Biden will do anything to get more votes. And getting the U.S in more debt is nothing new to his demorats party!
MAJ Tex Hall
MAJ Tex Hall
1 y
@PV2 Larry Sellnow History shows that the Republican Party acts more like they are supposed to: As a Republic instead of as a People's democracy. History also shows that after a period of Democratic Presidency, Republicans have to rebuild our military. It's easy to cut Military spending for the Dems and show 'debt relief' that gets paid for at a much higher rate than if it was taken care of at the time. You may not have been in the military when tanks couldn't leave the motor pools for training, when we didn't have enough ammunition to qualify with weapons, etc. All during Democrat lead administrations.
GySgt Jack Wallace
GySgt Jack Wallace
1 y
MAJ Tex Hall - Facts are just the Facts. Thank you Major.
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
1 y
Thank you very much my conservative friend and fellow USMA graduate MAJ Tex Hall for weighing in with common sense.
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