Recent Activity -
Retired Married to Carolyn A. Evans daughter Rebekah who lives at home help with Carolyn who is disabled Have done many job since discharge Computer repair heavy equipment operator construction and painting tire mfg lab
Military Experiences
Sep 1970 - Jun 1971
Communications Center Operator
coded machines decoded double coded messages Eyes only From Commander In Chief Nixon to generals admirals ect Army Air Force Navy Seoul oasn
(2 years, 3 months)Oct 1970 - Jun 1971
South Korea
Had 6 or more classified number security clearances Only soldier in the northern area of South Korea to have highest one U.S. government has Main job to decode double coded messages from commander In Chief Nixon to classified unnamed admirals and General in which only four people in the world saw Also to change codes for station ect
May 1970 - Sep 1970
Ft. Leavenworth, Ks
Assigned to bunker to operate first computer communications equipment Naval Main assignment in a nuclear attack I was connected to N.O.R.A.D classified radar in Alaska Canadian AF relay nuclear attack messages to Commander In Chief Nixon receive firing code for ICBMs bomber instructions and relay these to S.A.C. Omaha Neb.
Dec 1969 - Apr 1970
Fort Huachuca, Ariz.
Worked Supply waiting for assignment to operate computer equipment
Jun 1969 - Aug 1969
Ft.Bliss Tx
Basic Training
Military Credentials
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Aug 1969 - Oct 1969
Communication Center Specialist
Dec 1969
Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher
Personal Information