Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
Feb 2011 - Jul 2014
Command Sergeant Major
CSM William J. Payne became the Command Sergeant Major of the 81st Regional Support Command, Fort Jackson, SC in February of 2011. The 81st Regional Support Command is one of four Regional Support Commands in the Army Reserve providing administrative, medical, human resource, equipment maintenance, equipment storage, logistical, maintenance and construction of all Army Reserve facilities within its footprint. The 81st Regional Support Command does this in the nine southeastern states and the US Territory of Puerto Rico. The 81st RSC also supports the military and the Army public outreach program with Public Affairs, Historical Support, Yellow Ribbon and Strongbonds events events and the support of the 100th, Fort Knox KY, the 208th, Concord NC and the 313th Army Bands, Birmingham, AL
Sep 1984 - Feb 2012
Command Sergeant Major
CSM Payne has served at all levels pertaining to Drill Sergeants; Drill Sergeant, Senior Drill Sergeant, Senior Field Leader, First Sergeant of a BCT Company, Command Sergeant Major of a BCT Battalion, Commandant of the 108th Division Drill Sergeant School, Command Sergeant Major of the 6th Brigade (Professional Development) with included NCOES and the Drill Sergeant School, culminating as the Command Sergeant Major of the 108th Training Command from 2007 – 2011, a national command with three divisions and the Army Reserve Drill Sergeant School. The 108th is responsible all of the Drill Sergeants for the Army Reserve and ROTC instruction.
Jun 2006 - Jun 2007
Command Sergeant Major
June 2006 to June 2007 CSM Payne served as the Senior Enlisted Advisor, Coalition Military Assistance Training Team (CMATT), Baghdad, Iraq. CMATT was responsible for the manning, training, equipping, basing, and sustaining the Iraqi Army, Navy and Marine units throughout Iraq. CMATT did this in support of the Multi-National Security Transition Command - Iraq, Multi National Force - Iraq, CENTCOM
(1 year, 1 month)Jun 2006 - Jun 2007

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
June 2006 to June 2007 CSM Payne served as the Senior Enlisted Advisor, Coalition Military Assistance Training Team (CMATT), Baghdad, Iraq. CMATT was responsible for the manning, training, equipping, basing, and sustaining the Iraqi Army, Navy and Marine units throughout Iraq. CMATT did this in support of the MNSTC-I.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Mar 2006
Leader Development and Education for Sustained Peace
May 1994 - Jun 1994
Command Sergeant Major Course
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Feb 1995 - Mar 1995
Enhanced Battle Focus Instructor Training Course
Jun 1986 - Aug 1986
Battlefield Survival Skills
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Started in 1978
Tidewater Community College, Higher Education
Started in 1976
Fayetteville Technical Community College, Higher Education
Personal Information