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LTC Stephen F.
Edited 1 y ago
Thank you my friend and brother-in-Christ MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. for posting the perspective from theepochtimes.com [which I am also subscribed to] Federal Agency Forced to Build Part of Trump’s Border Wall
"Why is Biden building a BORDER WALL?!" Peter Doocy ATTACKS Karine Jean Pierre

1.Illegal immigrants board vans after waiting along the border wall to surrender to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Border Patrol agents for immigration and asylum claim processing upon crossing the Rio Grande River into the United States on the U.S.–Mexico border in El Paso, Texas, on May 11, 2023. (Patrick T. Fallon/AFP via Getty Images)
2. Migrants wait in line to enter the United States from Tijuana, Mexico, on May 11, 2023. (John Fredricks/The Epoch Times)

Background from the link you posted [theepochtimes.com/federal-agency-forced-to-build-part-of-trumps-border-wall_5370151.html?autoemail=docdale6%40gmail.com}
"Federal Agency Forced to Build Part of Trump’s Border Wall
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) said Friday it will build 20 more miles of U.S.–Mexico border wall, carrying out some of former President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign vow.
“Until and unless Congress cancels these funds, the law requires DHS to use the funds consistent with their appropriated purpose,” the U.S. Customs and Border Protection said in a statement announcing the wall construction. Previously, President Joe Biden’s administration had called on Congress to take action to prevent more of the wall from being constructed, which is unlikely for now because Republicans control the House.
That statement said that the approximately 20 miles of “steel bollard panels” will be erected along the Border Patrol’s Rio Grande Valley Sector, as mandated by a 2019 border barrier appropriation under Trump’s administration. It noted that “a substantial portion of unobligated funds that had been diverted from the Department of Defense” have been returned to the Pentagon.
About $190 million is left in the 2019 spending bill, said DHS, adding that it first attempted to use funds for “other priority projects” such as “environmental, and other remediation measures, system attributes for existing barrier, and environmental mitigation projects.”

“In addition, DHS authorized CBP to move forward with the Yuma Andrade and El Centro Calexico Fence Replacement Projects to mitigate immediate life, safety and operational risks to the local community, migrants, and Border Patrol agents in the area,” the statement Friday said. “Both projects will replace dilapidated segments of legacy fencing that presently create safety and security concerns for USBP agents, migrants, and the surrounding community.”
Epoch Times Photo
Migrants wait in line to enter the United States from Tijuana, Mexico, on May 11, 2023. (John Fredricks/The Epoch Times)

It added: “These replacement projects, similar to previously approved projects, prioritizes the completion of activities and projects needed to address life, safety and operational risks—including the safety and security of individuals, Border Patrol agents, migrants, and nearby communities.”

The border agency stated that it will still plan coordination with landowners and state, local, and tribal governments on where to build the border barrier. “DHS remains committed to the protection of the environment and will conduct environmental surveys, analyze the potential for environmental impacts from the implementation of the projects, and develop measures that avoid or minimize impacts to the greatest extent possible,” the statement said.

The new construction goes directly against a campaign promise Biden made in 2020 that under his presidency, not even one foot of Trump’s border wall would be built.

When Trump left office in early 2021, the CBP had plans and funding to build about 200 more miles of border wall. But that plan was stopped by Biden on the first day he took office, which was derided by Republicans and Border Patrol unions.

Border issues have again been thrust into the limelight in recent days as Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a GOP presidential candidate, unveiled his immigration plan at a stop in Texas.
Illegal immigrants board vans after waiting along the border wall to surrender to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Border Patrol agents for immigration and asylum claim processing upon crossing the Rio Grande River into the United States on the U.S.–Mexico border in El Paso, Texas, on May 11, 2023. (Patrick T. Fallon/AFP via Getty Images)

DeSantis, who polls show is consistently No. 2 behind Trump by a wide margin, announced he would declare a U.S. state of emergency, reinstate a policy that required a number of would-be illegal immigrants to remain in Mexico before their immigration court hearings, terminate the controversial catch-and-release policy, and more. If elected, the governor would target Mexican drug cartels and initiate new rules of engagement for federal agents at the border.

“We have to establish the rule of law in this country,” DeSantis told a town hall. “What you’re seeing right now is an abuse of asylum… It’s a lot less appetizing to make a trip like that knowing you don’t qualify in the first place and you’re gonna have to wait on the other side of the border before you get a decision.”

DeSantis also said that he would attempt to build more miles of border wall.

“You did have some wall built during [Trump’s] tenure, but not nearly enough … a lot of the things he’s saying, I agree with, but I also think those are the same things that were said back in 2016,” he added.

As for Trump, he has remained committed to building the wall. He’s also recently unveiled a proposal to end birthright citizenship, which is included under the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

“My policy will choke off a major incentive for continued illegal immigration, deter more migrants from coming and encourage many of the aliens Joe Biden has unlawfully let into our country to go back to their home countries. They must go back,” Trump said in a video message about a month ago.'
FYI LTC (Join to see) SFC Boots Attaway Sgt Kelli Mays PO1 Robert RyanSGT Jim Arnold Sgt Albert Castro MSgt Gloria Vance SSG Mark Lawless SSG Donald H "Don" Bates SSG Byron Howard Sr SGT John " Mac " McConnell [ SGT Brent Scott SPC Michael Oles SR SGT Joseph Gunderson TSgt David L.MSG Andrew White LTC (Join to see) SSgt Kelly D. MCPO Hilary Kunz
LTC Stephen F.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
1 y
I love it when KJP lies through her teeth and claims Trump failed to build the wall. Duhhhh! The Democrats were the ones dragging their feet and it is amazing that Trump was able to accomplish as much as he did DESPITE THEIR STUPID EFFORTS TO BLOCK HIM!!!

Well, if it's any consolation, we're now seeing how poorly the Democrats know how to r̷u̷i̷n̷ er uh... RUN a country! We have an illegitimate accomplice to election fraud squatting in the Oval Office that is taking his direction from his staff, who get their direction from Obama, Soros, etc. For all practical purposes, Obama is on this 3rd term. He mocked Joe Biden and referred to him as VP Biden when he made his first appearance back at the White House since leaving when Trump defeated Hillary.

It's a shame that Congress never heard the evidence of election fraud before confirming an Electoral College vote tainted with manipulated vote counts and mail in ballot fraud. Equally shameful is that the Democrats, Establishment GOP RINOs, FBI, CIA, Lamestream media, Social Media, believe that We The People should not be heard and they were all in cahoots to censor Conservatives, rig the election and steal it from Trump, who truly won the 2020 General Election with more votes than he received when he defeated Hillary Clinton, who likewise had rigged the election but did not count on the people in the flyover territories getting out and voting in the overwhelming numbers that they did. They expected them to believe the media's lies and stay home.

Biden followed the science (meaning: hid from the press in his basement) while Trump was busy campaigning and we're supposed to believe he got the most votes in history after failing twice in his bids to become President (with failed Kamala Harris as his running mate?) 81 million votes my arse!
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
1 y
Typical "superspreader" Trump rally. You don't see people turning out to support Biden like this! Oh, and strangely enough, COVID was very selective and didn't infect Democrats demonstrating nor did it infect scores of people at the Trump rallies as the Democrats warned. Imagine that?!! The Democrats' chickens are coming home to roost.
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LTC Stephen F.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
1 y
PV2 Scott M. - Amen!
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Capt Jeff S.
Forced? The Democrats created the problem by halting construction of the border wall and are not claiming to be architects of a build back better solution where they um, are implementing Trump's border wall policy. BRILLIANT! @@
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