Recent Activity -
In San Antonio radio broadcaster about 12 years. Worked at Home Brew Party sold supplies to make beer and wine. Retired now.
Military Experiences
Oct 1974 - Nov 1994
Sr combat photographer instructor 25V3H
PMOS 25V3H. SMOS 11B. AMOS 63C. Had a great time while I was in. Went from 11B three years. 63C 16 months. Then 25V3H 16 years. The H identifier is Insturctor it's H because I was on an AFB and the instructors course was Air Force. Infintry I was in 2/12 Cav Went on BDE 75 to Wildflrcken 1976 1st Cav Div also as a 63C. The rest as a photographer. Everything for my career field was on Lowry AFB Denver. BNCOC was a blast I went though the 1st ever for my career field I think 1989. Before the Army I am B.O.I. (born on the island) Galveston Island really close to Texas. After I live in Texas City 10 mins from the Island by motorcycle. Get ready the Lone Star Rally is in Nov.
Jan 1994 - Sep 1994
Road (Retired On Active Duty)
Retired as a 25V3H. Combat Documentation.
Army best job ever.
Army best job ever.
Jan 1993 - Dec 1993
25V Combat Photo.
Had an acting 1st SGT started talking smack after I left and threw my name in the conversation. After retirement I was going to try to find him. He was going to the hospital and I was going to jail. Only thing stopped me Rosie she's now my wife. Took my HD and road around South Korea.
Jan 1990 - Dec 1992
Instuctor Joint Services Photo School
Instructor. Lots of fun with students new to the military. Army, Air Force, Marine, Coast Guard, and Forgien Country's.
(6 months)Oct 1976 - Mar 1977
BDE 75 with 2/12 Cav. Left in 76 came back 6 months later 77. Wildflicken. Germany
Great 6 months. Loved Germany and the beer.
so many ReForGers cant count them all
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
1990 - 1993
Instructor Joint Services Photo School. Lowry AFB
Aug 1990 - Sep 1990
Indtuctor training Lowry AFB
PLDC Ft Riley KS
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Jan 1978 - Jun 1998
Joint Services Photo School Lowry AFB
Heavy wheel and track mechanic course troop School Ft Hood TX
Track vech mechanics course troop school Ft Hood TX
Wheeled vech mechanics course. Troop school Ft Hood TX
Dept of Labor Journyman Photography
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Prefer not to say
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees