Posted on May 19, 2020
‘Hard stop’: States could lose National Guard virus workers
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 3
Conversely many of us were brought in duty under State Active Duty. SAD offers no points or insurance. I have been asked to stay after the 24th and the question was posed would I stay under SAD. Absolutely not. I lose insurance, points, BAH, etc. Not complaining, but when the second wave hits there are 5 experienced med planners that have been here since early on. We are all in the same boat.
LTC Stephen F. SP5 Mark Kuzinski COL Mikel J. Burroughs SMSgt Lawrence McCarter Maj William W. 'Bill' Price SPC Margaret HigginsMaj Bill Smith, Ph.D.SGT Steve McFarlandLTC (Join to see) PO3 Craig Phillips Lt Col Charlie Brown SSG Michael Noll PO1 H Gene Lawrence TSgt Joe C. Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen Sgt (Join to see)SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL SSG Donald H "Don" Bates Cpl (Join to see) PVT Mark Zehner
LTC Stephen F. SP5 Mark Kuzinski COL Mikel J. Burroughs SMSgt Lawrence McCarter Maj William W. 'Bill' Price SPC Margaret HigginsMaj Bill Smith, Ph.D.SGT Steve McFarlandLTC (Join to see) PO3 Craig Phillips Lt Col Charlie Brown SSG Michael Noll PO1 H Gene Lawrence TSgt Joe C. Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen Sgt (Join to see)SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL SSG Donald H "Don" Bates Cpl (Join to see) PVT Mark Zehner
Maj Marty Hogan
CPT Lawrence Cable SGT (Join to see) - MAJ Byron Oyler not all troops are med- we have 12 med planners- CUOPs, FUOPs, FHP, administration, all assigned to the JOC. Yes we are busy, but after mission sets were developed and executed some of our team will de-mob and return to their civilian careers. We have mission sets of PPE delivery, mobile testing sites, TestIowa sites, call centers (contact tracing), and Px transport if necessary. Why doesn't active duty take it- there are not bases or the infrastructure like the Guard built for this. The Guard has a direct State mission for natural disasters and emergencies. There are plans in place and we are actually re-writing the book on this one. Active duty also drew down over 20,000 last two years- they are no longer positioned to man full hospitals and still have the T10 mission overseas- which the Guard also supplements. The differentiation comes from federal law and what you can use forces for- active duty has tried to take the homeland mission a few times- Hurricane Sandy is one of the most recent I can think of. It is just not within the construct of how they are built.
Maj Marty Hogan
CPT Lawrence Cable - the mission is to ensure local hospitals are not over run and not about saving lives. Saving lives was secondary- the information provided showed a much larger curve and cases when it first kicked off. Basing the scale to larger cites and the spread, the rest of the country reacted to it in proportion. Lots of metrics and algorithms in this one, but in the end as contagious as it is and the ease with which it spreads generated the numbers. In my estimation the second wave will be much worse- people are tired of being inside and Americans for the most part are not about being told what to do.
SGT (Join to see)
I understand sir, I just want to voice a bit of frustration as well. There are a lot of us on active dity bow that have never deployed, never helped any domestic mission and frankly never gotten to do the job we signed up to do at all. Inventories and training flights are our life and so we leave active duty to pursue other careers. I suppose this is a story for another time and another fight.Maj Marty Hogan
Maj Marty Hogan
SGT (Join to see) honestly in the siutation we are in we could have done more and need to consider more avenues to meet the problem. The second wave may find you as part of that solution set. The Guard is already in the community but our State still supports year long deployment ts for the Army and the Air is averaging 180 days...we get people leaving for the opposite reason. We are gone too much. I have been gone a lot over the past 10 years for various things. You could always look into transferring to a Guard unit that is poised to deploy a lot. We can always use sharp med folks.
Just like they didn’t make the 90 day criteria retroactive to 9/11. I believe it went into effect in 2008, seven years later.
Maj Marty Hogan Later actually- 2015. This page has good info.
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