White Sands Missile Range (WSMR), NM
White Sands Missile Range (WSMR), NM | RallyPoint
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The system successful intercepted multiple threats
Registration is open now. Register by 31 December before rates go up.
Who is going to the 2020 Bataan Memorial Death March? What is your training regimen?
See you there!
Does it make cool "phew- phew" sound effects when it does?
Having friends who worked in AFRL and in some of the directed energy programs in NM, it’s good to see successful flight tests like this.
March 17 in New Mexico if you are interested.
How many in the area are planning on taking on the 2018 Bataan Memorial Death March?

While I was in Fort Bragg, NC I tried out for the Post team but never made the cut! Now that I am stationed in Fort Bliss and live 30 minutes from White Sand I finally get a chance to tackle this “bucket list” event solo! How many in the area are planning on taking on this endeavor? How many are part of a team?
A blast from the past: Atomic Annie
Atomic Annie, the first of the Atomic Field Artillery Cannon. Imagine you are on the crew of this Gun? What would your thoughts be?