Recent Activity -
'76 enlisted, '77 BCT&AIT, '79-'91 Co driver Hq. Co., Support platoon 88m, Bn. Main. light wheel vehicle mech.
19K , '95-2000 92Y assistant supply Sgt./ and armorer. Retired to IRR Sept. 2000.
Machinist for 7 yrs., Ag. tech for the last 45 yrs. Married the love of my life on April 5th, 1980, been married for 40 wonderful yrs.
19K , '95-2000 92Y assistant supply Sgt./ and armorer. Retired to IRR Sept. 2000.
Machinist for 7 yrs., Ag. tech for the last 45 yrs. Married the love of my life on April 5th, 1980, been married for 40 wonderful yrs.
Military Experiences
Sep 1998 - Sep 2000
Assistant Spply Sergeant/ Armorer
Was also company commanders driver for 11 yrs. Retired to IRR Sept. 2000.
Sep 1998 - Sep 2000
Supply Clerk/ Armorer
Take care and maintain weapons, work with supply sergeant in distributing TA50 and working with Mess Sec.
(1 month)Jul 1996
Atlanta, Ga
Pre-Olympic security, combined with Air Guard, Navy Reserves, and Marine Reserves.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Sep 1977 - Oct 1977
64C/ 88M AIT 5th Bn 4th AIT Bde(Engr)
Jul 1977 - Oct 1977
Fort Leonard Wood, Mo.
Jul 1977 - Sep 1977
Basic Combat Training (BCT) E-2-3
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Nov 1994 - Jun 1995
92Y Supply training,Phase 1 & 2.
Jan 2019
Certificate of Commendation National Museum United States Army
Oct 2018
Certificate of Recognition 246th Armor Assoc.
Jul 2017
Certificate of Appreciation Calvin Center SDA Church
Jul 2015
Cold War Certificate, from Fort Knox
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Hartford Highschool, graduated June 1977
General education diploma.
Personal Information
Endorsed for:
- Observed performance while in garrison

Army | Petroleum Supply Specialist
Department of Labor (DOL) Transition Assistance Program (TAP) Lead Employment Navigator at Serco (Government Relations)
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Endorsed for:
- Observed performance while deployed
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
For consistently making positive and thoughtful contributions to RP and keeping the conversation lively.
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character