Recent Activity -
Retired Cryptologic Technician Communications USN, Past Network Analyst for H.L. Yoh contracted to Sprint for Quality Assurance/Test & Acceptance/Turn-up of SONET Rings. Past Senior Network Operations Specialist/NOS II tasked with overseeing the Sprint Fiber Optic Network Nationwide from a DS3 Level up through OC-192. MTO for Allied Universal Security Services, 2008 Officer of the Year Central US.
Network Analyst for H. L. Yoh tasked with quality assurance, Test and Turn-up of Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) Rings for SPRINT. Network and Senior Network Operations Specialist for Sprint tasked with Monitoring the performance of the National Sprint Fiber Optic Network in excess of 160 SONET Rings.
Network Analyst for H. L. Yoh tasked with quality assurance, Test and Turn-up of Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) Rings for SPRINT. Network and Senior Network Operations Specialist for Sprint tasked with Monitoring the performance of the National Sprint Fiber Optic Network in excess of 160 SONET Rings.
Military Experiences
Jun 1991 - Sep 1997
TACINTEL Supervisor
Supervise TACINTEL (Tactical Intelligence Suite) UYK-20 Computer and Associated Cryptogrphic equipment in support of Project Outboard. Damage Control Petty Officer responsible for the Supervision and Maintenance of Division Fire Fighting and Survival Equipment, Defense Intelligence Agency Courier. Security Alert Team. Mod-28 TTY Operator.Establish Mode Bravo Back-Up HF Communications as Necesary. Awarded AFEM/NDM/SWA/KLMSA/KLMK for Desert Storm/Desert Strike/Southern Watch, JMUC for Fiery Vigil, SSA, Meritorious Service Award from COMNAVSECGRU for 21 years of support to the Naval Security Group.
1994 - 1995
Operations Watch Chief (OWC)/Communications Leading Petty Officer
Responsible for a Shift of Intercept, Collection, Maintenance and Communications Cryptologic Technicians Approximately a dozen sailors. Functioning as Intelligence Watch Supervisor for the Indian Ocean. Supervising and Providing Communications Support to Project Classic Wizard. Communications Division Leading Petty Officer responsible for the Communications Security of the NSG Dept of Naval Computer and Telecommunications Station and Personnel Management of all Cryptologic Technicians (Communication).
Jan 1991 - Mar 1994
TACINTEL Supervisor
Supervise TACINTEL (Tactical Intelligence Suite) UYK-20 Computer and Associated Cryptogrphic equipment in support of Project Outboard. Damage Control Petty Officer Responsible for the Supervision and Maintenance of Division Fire Fighting and Survival Equipment, Defense Intelligence Agency Courier. Security Alert Team. CINCPACFLT Sealed Authentication System Custodian (Nuclear Launch Codes) Custodian for SUBROC. Mod-28 TTY Operator. Establish Mode Bravo back-up HF Communications as Necessary. Meritorious Captains Mast for Restoration of Mode Bravo Capability following Extended Shipyard Dry Dock Period. Awarded Battle-E.
Jul 1987 - Oct 1990
Division Officer 6211 CNO WWMCCS, Master at Arms to COMSPAWARSYSCOM and Urinalysis Coordinator.
Division Officer 6211 Technical Control Chief Responsible for 2 Electronic Technicians (Communications), 2 Cryptologic Technicians (Communications) and 2 Data Processing Technicians responsible for the Communications Security and Installation of WWMCCS Terminals, MILNET and ARPANET Terminals for Chief of Naval Operations Washington DC. Master at Arms for Commander Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command Responsible for Ceremonial Duties and functioned as Court Baliff for Article 15 Hearings. Urinalysis Coordinator for SPAWARS 621 and Naval Research Data Command. Awarded Admirals Letter of Commendation as Master at Arms to Chief of Staff COMSPAWARSYSCOM and for duties as Urinalysis Coord for NARDAC and CNO WWMCCS 621.
(1 year, 5 months) 1996
Persian/Arabian Gulf
Operation Desert Strike: Supervise TACINTEL (Tactical Intelligence Suite) UYK-20 Computer and Associated Cryptogrphic equipment in support of Project Outboard. Damage Control Petty Officer, Defense Intelligence Agency Courier. Security Alert Team. Mod-28 TTY Operator.Establish Mode Bravo Back-Up HF Communications as Necesary. Provide Communications Support to ES-3 Aircraft Operating in Area.
1994 - 1995
Diego Garcia
Responsible for a Shift of Intercept, Collection, Maintenance and Communications Cryptologic Technicians Approximately a dozen sailors. Functioning as Intelligence Watch Supervisor for the Indian Ocean. Communications Division Leading Petty Officer responsible for the Communications Security of the NSG Dept of Naval Computer and Telecommunications Station and Personnel Management of all Cryptologic Technicians (Communication)..
Jun 1991 - Sep 1991

Operation Desert Shield/Storm
Desert Storm/Southern Watch/Fiery Vigil, TAD Cryptolgoic Technician Communicator to CGN-41 USS Arkansas. Emergency Destruction of Naval Security Group Phillipines Classified Media in response to Mt Pinatubo Eruption. Provided Communications Support to Electronic and Information Warfare Operations off the Coast of Iraq and Iran.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Nov 1995
Personal Responsibility and Values Education and Training (PREVENT)
Nov 1990 - Dec 1990
Tactical Intelligence
Apr 1987 - Jun 1987
Telecommunications Operations Specialist
Nov 1976 - Apr 1977
Cryptologic Technician Communications A School
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Aug 1991
Divisional Damage Control Petty Officer
Nov 1990 - Dec 1990
TACINTEL, Tactical Intelligence Networks
Apr 1987 - Jun 1987
Telecommunications Operations Specialist Automated Data Processing
Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher
Personal Information