Posted on Nov 25, 2014
Have You Served in the Cavalry or Other Reconnaissance Information Gathering Units?
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 77
I am not, or have ever been, a Scout but I have tremendous respect for them. When I enlisted it was a very close second choice and the same can be said when I commissioned.
I've had many awesome opportunities to work along side the Scouts when we conducted dozens of Live Fire Combined Arms In-Stride Breaches in IANG.
I've had many awesome opportunities to work along side the Scouts when we conducted dozens of Live Fire Combined Arms In-Stride Breaches in IANG.
ALLONS! 1st Squadron 11th ACR 74-77 & 79-82 "If you ani't CAV, you ain't......." (a motto that is older than all of us)
1SG (Join to see)
This one hangs in my living room,1st thing you see when you walk in the door! OP Alpha, Rasdorf, GE. 1st Squadron, 11th ACR 74-77 & 79-82.
1SG (Join to see)
SFC Mark Merino Thes are for you. Wishing you and your family a Very Happy Thanksgiving!
1SG (Join to see)
SFC William Swartz Jr Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family...and ALLONS back to you as well!
I was lucky enough to help establish and serve from 1988 to 1991 in D Co 105th MI Battalion LRSD (Long Range Surveillance Detachment. this was one of the best units I was lucky enough to serve in.
I'm an instructor at the Army Reconnaissance Course (ARC).
Spread the word, we need quality Recon NCOs to attend as students and serve as instructors. Take the reigns and seek your next assignment here before TRADOC puts you somewhere that won't benefit your career. I have a direct impact on the current leaders of the reconnaissance world (1LTs, 2LTs, SFCs, SSGs), that will have a lasting effect for an entire generation of Scouts. Look us up on Ft. Benning's .mil page.
Spread the word, we need quality Recon NCOs to attend as students and serve as instructors. Take the reigns and seek your next assignment here before TRADOC puts you somewhere that won't benefit your career. I have a direct impact on the current leaders of the reconnaissance world (1LTs, 2LTs, SFCs, SSGs), that will have a lasting effect for an entire generation of Scouts. Look us up on Ft. Benning's .mil page.
We are told much like everyone is a safety officer, that anyone who flies above the earths surface is a reconnaissance gathering device......but I have never been assigned to a unit that issues all that western wear........nor attached, but I have received an officer evaluation report from a Squadron Commander, does that count?
Hell yea I was Recon. Every time we got shot at we reported the area. Intel guys would be like" THANKS we have been looking for insurgents in that area!!
For the record we are ALL recon.
For the record we are ALL recon.
SSG Brian Fernandez
The best part was earning the "Hooker" tag. Had to prove you could live up to those low standards. I had a great friend that always asked people "Why walk when you can ride. Go Army Aviation!!"
SSG (Join to see)
Sadly not. I got out a year prior to 9/11. I wish I had been there with those guys.
GarryOwen - Original Lyrics~7th Cavalry Regimental March
"Garryowen" is an old Irish quick-step that can be traced back to the early 1860's. In 1867, "Garryowen" was adopted by the 7th Cavalry Regiment as the offic...
SFC Mark Merino
If you ever watched "We Were Soldiers" and wondered....Who/What is this Garry Owen thing?!"
Does MI count? Way back when, I was a 98J (Electronic Intelligence Interceptor/Analyst), which is 35N now.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
9 is the Magic Number. Any 9 series NEC in the Navy is a Spook. I'm a 9182, 9185 and 9187 if I remember right.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
What good is Information if you don't share it with the Artillery Folks or Navy Pilots in my Case.
CSM Charles Hayden
SFC Marino, Please be careful of OUR Marine Force Recon/Special Operation Forces, if they thought you needed to know, they would have told you. CSM
If submariners had a cool hat like that, it'd get in the way when we used the periscope...
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
Submariner Huh. Someone that really can go places and not be seen. I wouldn't know anything about that.
This is one of my favorite forums so far. Thanks to SFC Mark Merino for posting the question. It really brings back special memories from my CAV days and I love reading everyone's input. No matter where you go or what you end up doing, Once CAV, Always CAV...
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
Brave Rifles! Veterans! You have been baptized in fire and blood and have come out steel!
SFC Mark Merino
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL Did you know COL Teeples is a RallyPoint member? He was our Commander of the Regiment for OIF-I.
3 Deployments with 1st Cavalry Division... they raised me into the NCO I am today. "First Team" If you ever served in any of those units in the image below then we can be friends!
MSG (Join to see)
Only Gold for me.. had a chance to do a SPUR Ride but had to go to WLC instead. LIVE THE LEGEND!!
Chaplain Candidate with the 1/158th CAV. Even earned my Silver Spurs.
Never been Marine Recon, but I've known some Recon guys and frankly those guys are some of the toughest boys in the entire US Military.
SFC Mark Merino
What do they think about Clint's portrayal as GySgt Tom Highway? I'm this question is offensive to them, we don't know each other.
Cpl Peter Martuneac
I can't speak for all of them obviously, but the few I knew liked Clint in that movie.
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