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What I do: I help you reach financial independence. For free.
Author: The Military Guide to Financial Independence & Retirement.
I enjoy writing about personal finance and military programs for servicemembers, veterans, and their families. All of my writing revenue is donated to military charities chosen by contributors who share their advice & stories for the books and the blog.
Never pursued civilian employment after the military.
Author: The Military Guide to Financial Independence & Retirement.
I enjoy writing about personal finance and military programs for servicemembers, veterans, and their families. All of my writing revenue is donated to military charities chosen by contributors who share their advice & stories for the books and the blog.
Never pursued civilian employment after the military.
Military Experiences
Oct 1997 - Jun 2002
Submarine weapons, engineering, firefighting, and damage control training on Ford Island.
Aug 1994 - Oct 1997
Jul 1992 - Aug 1994
Current Operations Officer
COMSUBPAC exercises and operations scheduling along with dozens of point papers.
(3 years, 8 months)Jun 1984 - Dec 1986
North Atlantic
Six Cold War ballistic missile deterrent patrols out of Holy Loch, Scotland, of 90-97 days each.
Military Credentials
Foreign Language Skills
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Prefer not to say
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees

Navy | Aviation Boatswain's Mate (Launching & Recovery)
Logistics at Life Cycle Engineering, Management Consulting
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character

Professor of Chaplaincy and Practical Theology at Columbia International University
Endorsed for:
- Observed performance while on shore duty