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What insight or experience can you provide from your time as a 15U instructor?
Anyone have any insight/ experience as a 15U instructor?
Lesson Plan Examples? TRADOC etc help?
My team on deployment has been put in charge of creating Lesson Plans for already provided POI for a counter terrorism course we are teaching in the Middle East. I am not familiar with what a typical Lesson Plan looks like, and wanted to provide my Soldiers a blank document/example of what a ...
Vinnell Arabia is hiring! Check out our July priority hiring positions. Apply today at
How will being selected to be an ALC Instructor impact my career progression?
I am currently serving as an instructor in OSUT for just short of a year and a half. I have been selected to be an ALC instructor (MOS 19k) and was curious of how this will if any affect career progression. I have already completed the criteria and have earned my basic army instructor badge in curre...
Former Army Instructors, what do you think of my proposal for retroactive award of the Basic Army Instructor Badge?
Hello fellow Rallypoint friends! A little over a year ago I posted a question about who to contact for proposing changes to allow for retroactive award of the BAIB for prior Instructors. I finally got ahold of the right section of the right Command to make my proposed changes, and have attached belo...

WestPoint_USMA Board of Visitors meeting scheduled for 9AM was canceled today, the civilian oversight Board for the Academy includes several members of #Congress, possibly canceled due to vote in House this AM.
Does the SQI "8" awarded to Drill Sergeants after completing the course, allow them to be awarded the Basic Army Instructor Badge?
… given they've meet all other requirements
I’m attempting to gain some understanding of the DS being awarded the “8” SQI after completing the course IAW AR 614-200/8-16. Since completing my DS time, I’ve transitioned to the schoolhouse as an 91F instructor since April 2021, I was informed by multip...
Looks like im headed back to FT. Huachuca to be an instructor
COL Mikel J. Burroughs recently asked, “What do today's new recruits in the military branches need to be successful?” I responded, “my advice for new recruits is pay attention to every word because y...
Other than HRC, who should I petition for an exception to policy in awarding the Basic Army Instructor Badge?
I recently submitted an inquiry to HRC Awards and Decorations Branch, asking how to go about submitting a petition for exception to policy in awarding the Basic Army Instructor Badge to all former Instructor/Writers, whom to contact with such a request, and what supporting documentation should be su...
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Is it worth going to Instructor School if you don't have plans on teaching at any school house?
I want to be a better teacher for my soldiers, it's something that I'm really passionate about. I know that the Basic Instructor Course is geared toward adult education techniques and seems like a great course to sharpen my skills as an NCO. But, is it worth going to if I have no intention of becomi...
Does anyone have tips, pointers, etc., for an AGR interview for a 91B Instructor?
I have an interview to be an AGR 91B instructor. Does anyone have any tips, advice, or pointers for the interview or things I can do to get ready?
What is it like being an BLC, ALC, AIT, or MSI Instructor?
I was wondering what everyone's experience was as an instructor in BLC, ALC, or in general at the school house or MSI. I am in Italy, coming up on 15 years and looking at my potential next position and instructor interests me. Pros/Cons; will it put me ahead of the curb when it comes to getting lo...
Can officers wear an Army Instructor badge?

Recently I was walking around Bliss and noticed a 1LT wearing his NG Master recruiting badge. Officers are allowed to only wear the NG Master badge in recruiting as a permanent badge. Senior and basic are not authorized. It got me thinking... is the Army Instructor badge permanent? Like the AC recru...
I’m PCSing to Fort Benning for an instructor job with MCOE. Any recommendations for housing, things to do with my wife and son, and tips?
We are heading to benning in August and I was curious if housing on post is worth it. I live on post at fort Campbell now and it’s not too nice. Also what is around the benning area to do? Places to eat? Last thing, is there anything I should know before hand about the base itself/the possible job I...
What can I expect coming in as an instructor under the "TRAP" program at the ALC/SLC NCO Academy on Fort Huachuca?
Came up as DA select to instruct at ALC on Huachuca with report date this June. I could not feel more grateful for this opportunity. Any insight is appreciated.
Key anti sub, anti surface ship trainer joins reserve unit, important to keep highly skilled trainers in the Force:
New basic training and AIT. To ensure millennials join the service.
Can you still request an assignment on a TRADOC base (such as Fort Huachuca) if you were disqualified by TYPE II disqualification?
Is there a regulation that states once you are disqualified from either drill sergeant duty, recruiter duty, or AIT platoon sergeant duty that you can NEVER work on a tradoc base such as Fort Huachuca? Additionally if you are disqualified from one of these duties can you still put in an instructor p...
Listen to this old-school fighter pilot teach the new generation (warning: profanity. Like, a lot).
Any advice to help prepare for Army Basic Instructor Course or Small Group Instructor Training?

I just found out that I will be going to ABIC and SGIT in March at Fort Leonard Wood. Do you have any advice on how to prepare for the school?
So does anyone know where to find INCOPD's "Instructor Evaluation Training?" This is needed to be able to evaluate an IDRP candidate.

I've looked in both ATRRS and INCOPD's website without luck on this. Thanks in advance.
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How long should an Instructor stay an Instructor?
I know that finding outstanding Instructors may be sometimes a difficult task...but with the norm being around 2 years, there are times where an Instructor may be at a school for 5-6 years because of their strength as an Instructor.
What are your thoughts?
Hiring for 2 SIGINT Equipment & Maintenance Instructors
Email sent to me that I am passing along:
We are hiring for 2 SIGINT Equipment & Maintenance Instructors and I thought you may know somebody who might be interested in this great opportunity. Please share it with your networks or apply here:
Society VS Military Culture
Is it just me or has anyone else seen the huge impact that society is now making on our military culture? From my point of view Society has no idea what it takes for civilians to be transformed into Soldiers. It is a mind set and physical conditioning to say the least that must take place for a civi...