PO2 Tom Belcher

PO2 Tom Belcher

Dates of Service: no date specified
85% Complete
1627 Contacts
Influence Score: 53,791
1,301 out of 868,063 Veterans
About Discussions


  • SR May 86
  • SA
  • HA May 87
  • SN May 88
  • FN Oct 88
  • PO3 May 89
  • PO2 Nov 91

Recent Activity  -


After serving in the ranks of the VFW, American Legion, and DAV. I have decided to spend time working with the Iraq War Veterans and was just elected National Commander. We will strive to help all veterans, their families, and supporters through our programs, which you can see at www.theiraqwarveterans.com and on face book at the Iraq war veterans Please check us out!

Been a veterans advocate since 1992 and served as commander in the VFW, American Legion, and DAV as a life member of Amvets, VFW, DAV and member of the ELks and Masonic Lodge. Was in the tour and transportation business. Now National Commander of the Iraq War Veterans you can check us out at www.theiraqwarveterans.com on facebook or email me at tom@theiraqwarveterans.com

Military Experiences

US Navy
US Navy

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools
Foreign Language Skills

German, Russian, French, and S

Security Clearance
Top Secret

Academic Degrees

Personal Information

Invited by
helping veterans and their families
How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter