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CW5 Scott Montgomery

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Senate hearings focusing on the Panama Canal and the threat of growing Chinese influence there. Potential for being an absolute tinderbox.
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Damn good question about Panama canal toxic waste
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Saint Martin de Porres

Image: Saint Martin de Porres | St Dominic’s priory church in London | photo by Lawrence OP

Saint of the Day for November 3
(December 9, 1579 – November 3, 1639)

Saint Martin de Porres’ Story
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Still looking for anyone who served at Ft Kobbe from 1970-1972. I was in the HHC. I worked around David Pratt, Lt Glenn Ivey(RIP, killed in Veit Nam), Major Lowery, Big Red 1, Ken Cummings, Lt Adamson...
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Celebrating Panama's independence
What do you get when you cross historic feats of engineering with unmatched natural beauty? Answer: This pho...
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How They Dug the Canal by Bill Bennett and John Cribb


From the day the U.S. started digging the Panama Canal in 1904, doubters scoffed. To link the Atlantic and Pacific would mean digging across 50 mi...
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One of the best assignments I had was Panama. I spent 13 and a half years in the country, on Howard AFB and Albrook AFB. Loved every minute of it.
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Talk About a Tight Fit!
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"The Only Thing You Can Count On is Death and Taxes"
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How They Dug the Canal by Bill Bennett and John Cribb


From the day the U.S. started digging the Panama Canal in 1904, doubters scoffed. To link the Atlantic and Pacific would mean digging across 50 mi...
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Starting tonight on The Veteran's Show. Dion is a great guest. Dion not only served in Korea in 88 to 89, but he also deployed with the 82nd Airborne to Panama (89) and Desert Shield/Storm (90/91). Di...
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How They Dug the Canal by Bill Bennett and John Cribb


From the day the U.S. started digging the Panama Canal in 1904, doubters scoffed. To link the Atlantic and Pacific would mean digging across 50 mi...
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TSgt Joe C. CPT Jack Durish and 17 others. [See More]
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When will the VA recognize the other health risks we have been exposed to?

Twice a day while I was stationed in Panama the DDT truck slowly drove in and around post, spraying a cloud of poisonous gas. Morning PT often had us running through that cloud. They would drive right by our unit family day function adding flavor to our potluck meals. Children would be on the str...
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Panama 1974, Fort Sherman AO
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New pictures of Ft. Clayton. 193rd B, HHC and even the 1,2,3 Club...
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