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Rubio moving faster than the 'woe is the world' talking points on the evening news..
Senate hearings focusing on the Panama Canal and the threat of growing Chinese influence there. Potential for being an absolute tinderbox.
An Interesting Modification for an Extra Wide Ship. LTC Eugene Chu Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen MAJ Ken Landgren Maj Kim Patterson Maj Christopher Wright CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana Capt Dwayne Conyers ...
Meanwhile, China continues to expand its influence in the western hemisphere
Operation Acid Gambit: How Army Special Forces Rescued an American Hostage in Noriega's Panama
What Prompted The Surprise US Invasion Of Panama? | Secrets Of War | Timeline
What do you get when you cross historic feats of engineering with unmatched natural beauty? Answer: This pho...
Celebrating Panama's independence
What do you get when you cross historic feats of engineering with unmatched natural beauty? Answer: This pho...
One of the best assignments I had was Panama. I spent 13 and a half years in the country, on Howard AFB and Albrook AFB. Loved every minute of it.
Operation Acid Gambit - The Secret Delta Force Mission to Save a Man Code-named "Precious Cargo"
Liberal Hipsters Get STRANDED at Panama Music Festival After COVID-19 Quarantine
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When will the VA recognize the other health risks we have been exposed to?

Twice a day while I was stationed in Panama the DDT truck slowly drove in and around post, spraying a cloud of poisonous gas. Morning PT often had us running through that cloud. They would drive right by our unit family day function adding flavor to our potluck meals. Children would be on the str...
CPT Linda Bray was the first female to lead troops in combat during the invasion of Panama. A brave MP wh...
The Digging of the Ditch
The Panama Canal : Documentary on the Construction of the Panama Canal (Full Documentary)
My Dad was stationed while serving in the Army (33rd Infantry Regiment, in the Panama Canal Zone in the late 1940's to the early 1950's....
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Panama, China start free trade talks, eye regional hub
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Sounds Like an Excellent Training Location
So yet another company gouging the Navy for port services, and we are still doing business with this one it appears. LT Brad McInnis CDR Mike Kovack Capt Marty Hogan MCPO Roger Collins MAJ Ivan Raiklin, Esq. ...
Talks over Panama-China free trade pact to start in July
For your visual and audio pleasure.
Growing up in the Canal Zone
Mad Dog McFowler was my First Sergeant in Panama from 1983 to 1985 he was awesome, he could motivate troop like no other leader I came across in the Army SGT Jim Arnold SPC Douglas Bolton LTC Stephen Curlee ...
I went to Honduras some were shot at SGT Jim Arnold COL Mikel Burroughs Capt Dwayne Conyers SPC Douglas Bolton SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth LTC Stephen Ford CPL Dave Hoover Sgt Randy Wilber Capt Marty Hogan ...
I was in the 1st, 4th and 5th of the 187 Panama Fort Campbell KY SGT Jim Arnold SPC Douglas Bolton CPL Dave Hoover Sgt Wayne Wood LTC Greg Henning LTC Stephen Ford SMSgt Minister Gerald A. "Doc" Thomas ...
Arrival in Panama - Theodore Roosevelt - November 1906
What a grand project! These photos show the magnitude of the undertaking.
When I Think of Vampire Bats, Cuddly is Not what I Think
I done plum forgot all about him
Manuel Noriega is no longer being supported by US taxpayers.
Another Dictator down, Panamanian Dictator and Drug lord dead.