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Responses: 7
MSgt Dale Johnson
Seems Male Lions have to put up with the same things we Human Males do at times, I think I've made that same expression before.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
6 mo
And They Wonder Why The Cases Keep Increasing
In Spousal Murders?
SSgt Robert Simonds
SSgt Robert Simonds
4 mo
I have sever hearing loss to day also
SSgt Robert Simonds
SSgt Robert Simonds
4 mo
I had all my life I have had dogs. But in the last few years the last two were amazing. Both have saved my life more than once. When I have a medical problem their face showed real concern. One hot day working under a shade tree my dog who had been watching me, run up to me barking and running back and forth to the yard, thinking she wanted in so I followed her across the porch in the house to my lounge chair barking all the way. After I sat down she jumped in my lap and wouldn't let me move. I felt ok just a little week. So I took my blood pressure 40 over 35 I was on my way out and she saw what I didn't. After a cool glass of water and resting a bit, everything it returned to normal. temp out side 110 degrees.
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LTC Trent Klug
We do ourselves a disservice if we think the animal world doesn't have emotions or can share a laugh with us or each other. I will continue to think that anthropomorphizing the animals I see is a goof thing.
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
4 mo
We have a picture of two bonded wolves looking at each other. The feeling is easy to recognize.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
4 mo
MAJ Hugh Blanchard -
Most Of My TV Time Is Spent In Either Space ( NASA) Sites,
Nature Chanel Science Chanel, UFO Studies, Etc. What I Just Learned Recently,
On The Nature Channel Is "Animals Can And DO Communicate ~~Here's A BEAUTY ~ Elephants Actually Have NAMES For Each Other. And Programs Are Being Developed To Translate Communications Between Them, With Attempts For Programs For We People To Communicate With Them. ~~ HOWZAT Grab Ya?
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
4 mo
Elephants can communicate at frequencies too low for us to hear. I'm big on trying to save the elephants, God bless them.
LTC Trent Klug
LTC Trent Klug
4 mo
MAJ Hugh Blanchard It absolutely is.
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SPC Maurice Evans
Who ever wrote that lead I get your pun I minored in journalism LOL
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