Posted on Sep 29, 2024
24 silly wildlife photos to brighten your day
Two bear cubs clinging to their mother. A puffin subtly excusing itself. A mantis throwing a ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. The finalists for the 2024 Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards are as relatable as they are delightful. And while we try to avoid anthropomorphizing animals, it’s hard to see two seals seemingly sharing a laugh on the beach and not say “me.”
24 silly wildlife photos to brighten your day
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Edited 6 mo ago
Posted 6 mo ago
Responses: 7
Posted 6 mo ago
Seems Male Lions have to put up with the same things we Human Males do at times, I think I've made that same expression before.
SSgt Robert Simonds
4 mo
I had all my life I have had dogs. But in the last few years the last two were amazing. Both have saved my life more than once. When I have a medical problem their face showed real concern. One hot day working under a shade tree my dog who had been watching me, run up to me barking and running back and forth to the yard, thinking she wanted in so I followed her across the porch in the house to my lounge chair barking all the way. After I sat down she jumped in my lap and wouldn't let me move. I felt ok just a little week. So I took my blood pressure 40 over 35 I was on my way out and she saw what I didn't. After a cool glass of water and resting a bit, everything it returned to normal. temp out side 110 degrees.
Posted 6 mo ago
We do ourselves a disservice if we think the animal world doesn't have emotions or can share a laugh with us or each other. I will continue to think that anthropomorphizing the animals I see is a goof thing.
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
4 mo
We have a picture of two bonded wolves looking at each other. The feeling is easy to recognize.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
4 mo
MAJ Hugh Blanchard -
Most Of My TV Time Is Spent In Either Space ( NASA) Sites,
Nature Chanel Science Chanel, UFO Studies, Etc. What I Just Learned Recently,
On The Nature Channel Is "Animals Can And DO Communicate ~~Here's A BEAUTY ~ Elephants Actually Have NAMES For Each Other. And Programs Are Being Developed To Translate Communications Between Them, With Attempts For Programs For We People To Communicate With Them. ~~ HOWZAT Grab Ya?
Most Of My TV Time Is Spent In Either Space ( NASA) Sites,
Nature Chanel Science Chanel, UFO Studies, Etc. What I Just Learned Recently,
On The Nature Channel Is "Animals Can And DO Communicate ~~Here's A BEAUTY ~ Elephants Actually Have NAMES For Each Other. And Programs Are Being Developed To Translate Communications Between Them, With Attempts For Programs For We People To Communicate With Them. ~~ HOWZAT Grab Ya?
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
4 mo
Elephants can communicate at frequencies too low for us to hear. I'm big on trying to save the elephants, God bless them.
Posted 6 mo ago
Who ever wrote that lead I get your pun I minored in journalism LOL
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