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Responses: 5
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Break the rules, pay the price!
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
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CPL Douglas Chrysler
Oh no, this won't affect Kamala's continuing education in Venezuela will it?
SSgt Robert Simonds
SSgt Robert Simonds
6 mo
is she part of the M13
CPL Douglas Chrysler
CPL Douglas Chrysler
6 mo
SSgt Robert Simonds I do my best to ignore her.
SSgt Robert Simonds
SSgt Robert Simonds
6 mo
CPL Douglas Chrysler - So did I. It is very odd though, All the info that was out on her and Obama has disappeared. When Obama first started and started the noise how great the Muslims were a and how much they did to develop America. He contacted me and asked where I got my information as Muslim were great in helping America. I corrected him and used president Jackson speech to back me up President Jackson said " The Muslims Islam and Sherie law and is not a religion. It is to violent and should never be in America it is not compatible with the constitution. I'm afraid some day someone will make the misstate and let them in. Obama said. I'll correct that. A few years later when I tried to pull it up from the government archives that portion had been removed. I went to wiki and it was removed from their site. being a member I contacted them and asked who and why it was removed? their reply was Our files are up dated all the time we don't know those doing it. Ai is so corrupts I won't use it. The history books I used going thru school were removed and destroyed from all library's in America. the government destroyed them just like the statures today. I can no longer find that original speech. on Harris todays info says she isn't communist on the net, and that is all wrong. she is a dipper com and both parents were also. find it and tell me where you did please.
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