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Responses: 8
SGT English/Language Arts Teacher
Great article. Here is a good overview with articles if anyone is interested.

LTC Wayne Brandon
LTC Wayne Brandon
7 y
A great read, David. Thank you for posting this detail.
SGT John " Mac " McConnell
SGT John " Mac " McConnell
7 y
Thanks David.
SSgt Donald Libby
SSgt Donald Libby
7 y
Thanks for the post.
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Not exactly one of the proudest moments in military history, thank you for the great history share John, have a great day brother.
LTC Wayne Brandon
LTC Wayne Brandon
7 y
How right you are, Cowboy!
SGT John " Mac " McConnell
SGT John " Mac " McConnell
7 y
Not a great day in our history.... Good morning brother.
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
7 y
SGT John " Mac " McConnell - good morning to you also brother.
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LTC Stephen F.
Edited 7 y ago
Thanks SGT John " Mac " McConnell for reminding us that during the U.S. Civil War which was primarily fought east of the Mississippi River valley area.
The USA and CSA vied for allegiance with the various Indian tribes and periodically the allegiances shifted.
Not surprisingly Colorado territory was inhabited by Caucasian settlers who wanted the Indian to be relocated outside of the territory. Sadly duplicity and deception occurred much too frequently.
Sadly on November 29, 1864, Colonel John Chivington’s Colorado volunteers attacked and massacred peaceful Southern Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians at Sand Creek, Colorado.
Thankfully John Chivington's aspiration for political rise was scuttled as news of the massacre was revealed and publicized.
Image: 1864-11-29 Sand Creek Massacre led by John Chivington; 1864-09 meeting in Camp Weld between Colonel John M. Chivington and the Cheyenne and Arapaho.
FYI LTC Bill Koski CW5 (Join to see) MSG Brad Sand SGM Steve Wettstein SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4" SP5 Mark Kuzinski SrA Christopher Wright PO1 William "Chip" Nagel PO1 John Miller SP5 Robert Ruck SPC (Join to see) PO3 Steven Sherrill SN Greg Wright SCPO Morris Ramsey TSgt Joe C. Cpl Joshua Caldwell SGT Michael Thorin SP5 Dave (Shotgun) Shockley SPC Margaret Higgins
SGT John " Mac " McConnell
SGT John " Mac " McConnell
7 y
Thank you my friend for this addition. A pastor whom decided the Indian were just animals and couldn't be converted. Thanks again LTC Stephen F. .
LTC Wayne Brandon
LTC Wayne Brandon
7 y
SGT John " Mac " McConnell - That this man was a pastor is a sad commentary on his church and whoever consented to ordination. Matthew 15:18 KJV tells us plainly "But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.” This man did not have a heart for souls, rather he had murder in his heart.
I know of no man who is born again and indwelled with the Holy Spirit of God who could speak in such a fashion - not even in jest. In fact, the deacons he addressed should have called for his immediate repentance and or removal from the pulpit. It appears they did neither.
He is worse than Lt. Calley and CPT Medina who at least had personal provocation that led to their ill-fated decision to attack My Lai. At least Lt Calley showed remorse for his actions stating: "There is not a day that goes by that I do not feel remorse for what happened that day in My Lai. I feel remorse for the Vietnamese who were killed, for their families, for the American soldiers involved and their families. I am very sorry.... If you are asking why I did not stand up to them when I was given the orders, I will have to say that I was a 2nd Lieutenant getting orders from my commander and I followed them—foolishly, I guess."
Where was Colonel Chivington's remorse?
This man should have been tried for premeditated murder, convicted and sent to the gallows. The Captain who withheld his troopers from the attack is no hero either. While he ultimately did the right thing, his first duty was to protest an unlawful order to attack and destroy all inhabitants before they ever left cantonment; reporting the plan and his refusal to follow such orders as would lead to this tragedy, to the next higher military authority.
A pastor? Not according to the bible.
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