Recent Activity -
I am a retired Federal Air Marshal. I am currently a professional real estate investor and educator. I run the Pittsburgh real estate investors association. My long term goal is to build veterans housing some day.
After leaving the Marine Corps I had a variety of jobs. The most interesting of which was as an agent for the Federal Air Marshal Service. I held a top secret security clearance.
After leaving the Marine Corps I had a variety of jobs. The most interesting of which was as an agent for the Federal Air Marshal Service. I held a top secret security clearance.
Military Experiences
Jan 1988 - Aug 1993
Squad leader
Military Police, EPW handling. I served as a basic Military Policeman USMC MOS 5811 2nd MP CO. My duties were law enforcement related. During Operation Desert Storm, my company was tasked with running the largest EPW compound in American History. We processed, searched, segregated, and interrogated 55,000 EPW. We had the full gambit from unmotivated conscripts who were happy to be alive, to hard core Bath part members and Republican Guard members. My unit was the forward collection point for the entire Marine Corps. Prior to the ground war, we were frequently the target of (inaccurate) Frog 7 missile fire from the other side of the boarder. If you would like to read a little bit more about our adventures then find a copy of 1001 nights in Iraq by one of our former prisoners
(7 months)Dec 1990 - Jun 1991

Operation Desert Shield/Storm
USMC Military Police 2nd MP CO- we handled all EPW's for the USMC. We were the forward collection point during the ground war.
Military Credentials
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Feb 1988 - May 1988
USMC MP School
Mar 1989
PR 24 Instructor
Security Clearance
Top Secret
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information
Always cogent and reasonable observations. Enjoy receiving his viewpoint.
Informative and knowledgeable posts and comments from this RP member.
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Corporal Joshua Caldwell consistently demonstrates the highest caliber of character in each of his posts on RallyPoint.
I am proud to endorse him.
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Thank you for your service to our great nation.