MSG Brad Sand

MSG Brad Sand

Dates of Service: Dec 1981 - Feb 2012
85% Complete
377 Contacts
Influence Score: 591,162
233 out of 867,898 Veterans
About Discussions


  • PVT Dec 81
  • PV2
  • PFC
  • SPC
  • SGT
  • SSG
  • SFC
  • MSG Mar 02

Recent Activity  -


A summary of a my career? I entered the Army Reserve as a Heavy Anti-Armor Infantryman with NO intentions of staying or ever going full-time in the Army. After completing my Bachelor of Arts, I found I love being a soldier and ended up going Active Duty in Recruiting. In my heart, I will always be an Infantryman but in my career I spent all my Active Duty time in Recruiting.

Military Experiences

Jan 2009 - Feb 2012
(5D) - Columbus
USAR Operations NCOIC
Coordinate and implement recruiting plans and procedures for 232 Army Recruiters, 41 Recruiting Stations and 6 Recruiting Companies throughout Ohio, northern Kentucky and northern West Virginia.
Establish recruiting plans and designs to aid the Columbus Recruiting Battalion in consistently over producing assigned mission.
Utilizes and analyzes management data to evaluate subordinates' performance. Conducts professional development programs. Accomplishes administration, prepares plans and SOPs. Maintains statistics on recruiting programs. Maintains enlistment publications and administrative files. Prepares enlistment reports.
Apr 2002 - Dec 2008
Des Moines
Guidance Counselor
Career counselor for applicants from 25 recruiting stations and liaison for Army Reserve unit commanders covering all units in Iowa and units in surrounding states.
Review applicant mental, moral, and physical qualifications to assure they comply with needs of the applicant and Army regulation.
Utilizes and analyzes management data to evaluate subordinates' performance. Conducts professional development programs. Accomplishes administration, prepares plans and SOPs. Maintains statistics on recruiting programs. Maintains enlistment publications and administrative files. Prepares enlistment reports.
Sep 1999 - Mar 2002
5th Rec BDE
Healthcare Recruiter
Recruits, interviews, counsels and qualifies healthcare professionals for commission, distributes and displays recruiting publicity material. Identifies and cultivates community centers of influence. Explains benefits, prepares commissioning forms and documents. Arranges for transportation, meals, and lodging for applicants where required. Assists in market research and analysis and makes appro priate recommendations to the chain of coumnand.

Utilizes and analyzes management data to evaluate subordinates' performance. Conducts professional development programs. Accomplishes administration, prepares plans and SOPs. Maintains statistics on recruiting programs. Maintains enlistment publications and administrative files. Prepares enlistment reports.
Mar 1991 - Aug 1999
5th Rec BDE
Recruits, interviews, counsels and qualifies applicants for enlistment, distributes and displays recruiting publicity material. Identifies and cultivates community centers of influence. Explains benefits, prepares enlistment forms and documents. Arranges for transportation, meals, and lodging for applicants where required. Assists in market research and analysis and makes appro priate recommendations to the chain of coumnand.

Utilizes and analyzes management data to evaluate subordinates' performance. Conducts professional development programs. Accomplishes administration, prepares plans and SOPs. Maintains statistics on recruiting programs. Maintains enlistment publications and administrative files. Prepares enlistment reports.


(2 months)
Nov 1990 - Dec 1990
Joint Task Force-Six, (now JTF-North) focus is on detecting and monitoring transnational threats within and along approaches to the continental United States.
Worked mainly in support of Joint Task Force 6 mission to counter narcotics trafficking operations on the US-Mexico border.

Military Credentials

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Apr 2002 - May 2002

Guidance Counselor/Operations Course

Feb 1991 - Mar 1991

Jun 1988 - Jul 1988

Security Clearance

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

Ended in 1988

University of Northern Iowa

Bachelor's Degree, Communication/Public Relations

How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter