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LTC Stephen F.
Edited >1 y ago
Thank you, my friend TSgt Joe C. for making us aware about the background of American stage-screen actor and film producer who worked primarily through the Golden Age of Hollywood Jeffrey Lynn (born Ragnar Godfrey Lind) who notably was a WWII Army Ar Corps veteran.

Image: 321st Bomb Group briefing, Corsica - CPT Ragnar G. Lind.


Background on his war service at .fold3.com/page/90699280-ragnar-g-lind
"Capt R G Lind (Jeffrey Lynn) 321st Bomb Group /WWII /MTO
1944Corsica, France
Mr. Lynn, whose original name was Ragnar Godfrey Lind, was born in Auburn, Mass. He became interested in theater while a student at Bates College in Maine, but worked at a variety of jobs before landing a role in a touring production of "Brother Rat." A screen test followed and he signed with Warner Brothers in 1937.

WAR SERVICE; 321st Bomb Group, 447th BS; Then 321st Bomb Group H.Q.
Lind, Ragnar G. “Jeffrey Lynn”, Capt, intelligence (0-1644534) - Initially, he was assigned to the 447th BS, but was transferred to HQ 321st BG on 3 May 44.
20 Mar 44 - HQ 321st BG War Diary: An old name in the entertainment world but a new one in the Group—Jeffrey Lynn the movie actor reported in and was assigned to the 447th Bomb. Sq. as the Assistant Intelligence Officer.
Lind, Ragnar G. “Jeffrey Lynn”, 2Lt, intelligence
HQ 321st BG War Diary: Additional Narrative for June 1944

23 May 44 - 447th BS War Diary: A mission was scheduled for today, but cancelled due to weather conditions. The following officers and enlisted men have been assigned to this squadron per SO #84, 57th Wing: 2nd Lts. Earl H. Remmel (P), Gordon A. Ramey (CP), Leeland A. Mesna (B), Sgt Isidore Ifshin (EG), S/Sgt. Joseph W. MacNeil (RG), and Sgt. Frederick J. May (AG). 2nd Lt. Marion E. Walker has been assigned to this squadron per S) 83, 57 Wing. 1st Lt. Fred E. Ryherd has been relieved of assignment and transferred for transshipment to the U.S. 2nd Lt Wendell C. Horne has been relieved of assignment and transferred to 321st Bomb Group Headquarters. 2nd Lt. Ragnar G. Lind, assistant S-2 officer, has been relieved of assignment and transferred to 321st Bomb Group Headquarters. Lt Lind will replace 1st Lt. Salvatore P. Casarella, Jr., who in turn has been assigned to this squadron as assistant S-2 officer. S/Sgt. Leland H. Smith (RG) has been relieved of assignment for transshipment to the U.S. Sgt. Theodore A. Fiocca (RG) has been assigned to this squadron per SO #84, 57th Wing. Today’s training consisted of local test flight.

Casarella, Salvatore P., Jr., 1Lt, intelligence Fiocca, Theodore A., Sgt, radio-gunner
Horne, Wendell C., 2Lt, engineering Ifshin, Isidore (NMI), Sgt, engineer-gunner
Lind, Ragnar G. “Jeffrey Lynn”, 2Lt, intelligence MacNeil, Joseph W., S/Sgt, radio-gunner
May, Frederick J., Sgt, aerial gunner Mesna, Leeland A., 2Lt, bombardier
Ramey, Gordon, A., 2Lt, pilot Remmel, Earl H., 2Lt, pilot
Ryherd, Fred E., 1Lt, pilot Smith, Leland H., S/Sgt, radio-gunner
Walker, Marion E., 2Lt, pilot

17 May 45 - HQ 321st BG War Diary: So far, the only group officer to show up this morning, is Maj. Goodell, who came in because of the training-film program. That indicates the officers’ grand-opening was a success, so medics should have another peak day. Capt. Lind broke the stalemate by loping in at 0858 and now the others can enter safely. There is considerable activity at S-1 and they’ve borrowed all the help they could wangle from other sections. We had a live talent USO Show out at the base tonight. It was billed as “Show #495 Variety Review”, and consisted of an emcee guitarist, a violinist with a good line, a magician and a shapely blonde who sang and just looked feminine. She had a good delivery and wowed the audience by taking down a would-be heckler, who happened to be a second lieutenant.

_Goodell, John C., Maj, bombardier, operations, HQ 321st BG
Lind, Ragnar G. “Jeffrey Lynn”, Capt, intelligence, HQ 321st BG

28 May 45 - HQ 321st BG War Diary: Pleasant weather again today, and a lecture on ‘readjustment’ by Captain Lind, who enlivened the discussion and gained the audience’s attention, with a sudden entrance and medicine-man spiel of the cure-all for ‘rotation blues’. Readjustments seem as limited for discussion, as redeployment, due to the lack of information on hand. The EM had their weekly dance tonight and the band was in fine fettle. Capt. Henry, wowed the audience with his capers and threw in an encore with a version of “Writing Love-Letters in the Sand”. The dance itself, was a social success, with a slight tapering-off of relatives and food-baskets.

Henry, Forrest R. "Steamboat", Capt, intelligence, HQ 321st BG
Lind, Ragnar G. “Jeffrey Lynn”, Capt, intelligence, HQ 321st BG_"

FYI LTC Stephen C. LTC (Join to see) Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen Lt Col Charlie Brown Maj Bill Smith, Ph.D. Maj William W. 'Bill' Price Maj Marty Hogan SCPO Morris Ramsey SGT Mark Halmrast Sgt Randy Wilber Sgt John H. SGT Gregory Lawritson CPL Dave Hoover SPC Margaret Higgins SSgt Brian Brakke 1stSgt Eugene Harless CPT Scott Sharon SSG William Jones
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SPC Douglas Bolton
TSgt Joe C. He was in a lot of films.
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