CPT Scott Sharon

CPT Scott Sharon

Dates of Service: Oct 1965 - Oct 1972
90% Complete
5068 Contacts
Influence Score: 879,624
164 out of 866,659 Veterans
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  • 2LT Nov 66
  • 1LT Nov 67
  • CPT Nov 68
Commissioning Source:  OCS, Oct 1966

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https://www.amazon.com/Great-Adventures-My-Life-Amazing/dp/1520406215/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr= My experience has been in engineering, marketing, product development and business development. I have one patent and developed several key products in my industry. I founded three successful companies and am currently CEO of START. I recently wrote and published a book on Amazon.com titled "Great Adventures From MY Life". It includes some funny but strange adventures from growing up on a farm and some of my Vietnam experiences.

Military Experiences

Oct 1967 - Oct 1968
19th EN
Platoon Leader
I led my platoon on minesweep every morning to clear a section of HWY 1 of mines and boobytraps. I led them on several other building projects on HWY 1 such as blowing out old bridges and building new bridges to widen the road, install culverts and several other upgrade projects.My company was assigned a section of the highway to widen it from one to two lanes. I also went on several combat missions with different infantry and armor units.
Nov 1966 - Oct 1967
Company Executive Officer
We provided basic combat training for new Army recruits. While there I assisted in the training of 5 companies of approximately 200 recruits in each class. Besides being the company executive officer I was mess officer, training officer, and safety officer.


(1 year, 1 month)
Oct 1967 - Oct 1968
Vietnam ribbon
Vietnam War
Combat Engineer Platoon Leader, Company Executive Officer, Company Commander, Assistant S3. While in Vietnam designed and built two bridges, a new road up a small mountain and several other key projects. I also became a demolition expert and completed several high-profile demolotion projects in various parts of Vietnam.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

May 1966 - Oct 1966

Engineer Officer Candidate School

Mar 1966 - May 1966

Artillery Fire Direction

Nov 1965 - Mar 1966

Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Top Secret

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

2018 - 2019

National Academy of Sports Medicine

Job/Skill Training, Certified Personal Trainer

1985 - 1986

Xavier University

MBA, Business & Marketing

1969 - 1977

University of Cincinnati

Bachelor's Degree, Engineering Science

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