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Responses: 4
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
Where is President Biden and Harris? Slow walking weapons to Israel is putting us in the middle of the beginning of WW3.
SSG Tim Newell, PhD
SSG Tim Newell, PhD
1 mo
Our President would have to know and comprehend in order to do something! To me, the bigger question is "what side is his advisors on?" Why are they not "pushing" him to get involved? Are we not the last world superpower? Or have we lost that too?
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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1 mo
SSG Tim Newell, PhD - The sad part is neither Biden or Harris is capable to maintaining order on the world stage, and they haven't been from day one of Biden's Presidency... and it's slowly gotten worse each day.
SSG Tim Newell, PhD
SSG Tim Newell, PhD
1 mo
NO arguments from me! I'm just wondering how far we must sink before Good Americans do what must be done. And, I have to wonder if there will be Civil War 2.0 before or after WW3?
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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1 mo
SSG Tim Newell, PhD - After the burning, looting, raping, and killing we saw during the so-called peaceful protests that Progressive Democrats and RINOS agreed to by issuing statements like “People will do what people will do.” I would say we are in the middle of our second Civil War right now.

It’s amusing to me when their personal safety is at stake like what happened on January 6th, it’s no more “People will do what people will do.”.
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LTC Trent Klug
But first, they are wiping their arses from crapping themselves. Mossad infiltrated their inner security.
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