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SSG Warren Swan
I want this to succeed for the women and the Armed Forces. Maybe after they establish themselves we can stop making barriers to service and allow everyone who wants the chance to be whatever they can be. They want to be equal, then allow them to try. Allow them to fail equally as men. Acknowledge their successes when they make it, and not try to degrade it as "standards were lowered", or "females don't belong here". CPT M said before the standards cannot be lowered. She's 100% right. I'm No Sailor, but they have my support!
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
9 y
SSG Warren Swan well said and I agree whole heartily. You are wordsmith with words and I enjoy your post enthusiastically and I know many more would agree.
CSM Charles Hayden SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4" CPT (Join to see) LTC Stephen F. MAJ Ken Landgren
SN Greg Wright
SN Greg Wright
9 y
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL - SSG Warren Swan Interesting term, 'word smith'. Almost like it's true, Warren!! :)

On a serious note, I'm in total agreement with you.
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PO3 David Fries
As long as they pass. There will be some that do.

When I was in A school, I thought I wanted to be a SEAL. My class leader was a Teams guy. I knew I was doomed when I tried to swim for a PFT instead of run. It was horrible. I learned my limitations quickly. The women will have to as well. At the end of the day, not everyone is cut out for the job.
SN Greg Wright
SN Greg Wright
9 y
PO3 David Fries Hah. They came around to my boot camp class (they did that back then, at least in '88) and asked who wanted to try the pre-qualification phys tests. I popped right up, full of piss and vinegar, and was totally smug as I passed the swim, run, and sit-ups, crushed the push-ups...and then failed miserably at the hanging pull-ups. At 220 pounds (I know that sounds like I was fat, but I wasn't. I'm just a big guy), I would have had to train for that, specifically, and I didn't. Faceplant!
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PO1 Cliff Heath
My view is; when is it enough of the gender neutral, PC, everybody can do any job in the military??? QUIT ALREADY WITH THE "3 CARD MONTE FIND THE RED QUEEN SHUFFLE" to get women into some rolls that, face it, are a pain in the ass to get them there at the expense of other programs. I love women, but I am so glad I served during 70's & 80's. when it was just men on combat ships, and in SPECWAR. You ain't never gonna make everybody's ass happy, so quit trying, OK now go ahead and freak out; re-post till your fingers bleed;I don't care.
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