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Responses: 8
LTC Eugene Chu
LTC Self Employed
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10 mo
That is an excellent idea.
Biden swapping hostages for Iranian impounded oil funds makes sense. Biden paid for it!

LTC Eugene Chu 1SG(P) Dean Mcbride (MPER) (SPHR) LTC Trent Klug MSG Stan Hutchison SrA Ronald Moore
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MSG Stan Hutchison
If the Earth becomes uninhabitable for humans, all these wars become moot.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
10 mo

President biden cares about climate change when we could have a limited nuclear war Which will make us keep fossil fuels because electric cars We'll no longer be available because China will be destroyed.And they are the ones who don't follow e.P.A guidelines and refine The poisonous lithuman cobalt used for electric batteries.

I have stock in American Mining company MP. They have to send their rare earth minerals to china for Processing because it's too deadly and doesn't follow EPA guidelines.

We will have about twenty years of cooler weather.

A o c will go into insane
asylum Because her mission of scaring Americans will no longer matter.


20 years of cooler weather and failed crops.

1SG(P) Dean Mcbride (MPER) (SPHR) LTC Trent Klug SrA Ronald Moore
LTC Self Employed
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10 mo
A destroyed ozone layer
Caused by a prevetable nuclear war because President biden put too much money into climate change and not enough money into peace through strength. Our defensive posture went to crap while pumping hundreds of billions of dollars into fraud waste and abuse of climate change mitigation through the fake inflation reduction act which was basically a Trojan-horse. Green new deal.

This parody from robocop two may become a reality because president was too much like Neville Chamberlain.


1SG(P) Dean Mcbride (MPER) (SPHR) LTC Trent Klug SrA Ronald Moore

President Biden is a fool thinking peace through appeasement instead of peace through strength.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
10 mo
President Biden invites war because he is too weak. He uses up half hour strategic petroleum.Reserve just to try to get re-elected or to help Democrats in Congress in midterms.
He has been brainwashed by Bernie Sanders and stupid AOC to follow this climate change agenda at the expense of our country, our sovereignty and our our defense budget.


PO1 William "Chip" Nagel LTC Eugene Chu
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter Lt Col Charlie Brown Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen CPT Jack Durish LTC Stephen F. CSM Charles Hayden 1SG Russell Scott 1SG Patrick Burke SFC Dr. Jesus Garcia-Arce, Psy.D SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL SFC John Davis LTC Trent Klug CDR Andrew McMenamin, PhD Col (Join to see) 1st Lt Padre Dave Poedel CPT (Join to see)
LTC Trent Klug
LTC Trent Klug
10 mo
Your worry is noted. The Sun could go nova. An asteroid may hit us. Aliens may attack us. Biden may pull out of his Alzheimer's fugue.
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LTC Trent Klug
The houthis need a good long rubbing by a combined arms team.
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