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Responses: 2
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
"The administration nevertheless relaxed American sanctions. The mullahs pocketed the concessions, nearly quintupled their oil exports, brought in tens of billions of dollars in revenue, and more than tripled their funding of Hamas, from $100 million to $350 million the year before their murderous rampage. Jake Sullivan, Biden’s national security adviser who had played a key role in the nuclear deal, confidently asserted in Foreign Affairs on October 2 that the Middle East "is quieter than it has been for decades.""
Typical Democrats, they always think they can buy their way out of any problem. Life doesn't work that way, but they just don't get it. They are not capable of self-rule or being in any position of responsibility. MHO
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LTC Marc King
Well … there you go as the former Sec Def Robert Gates said: ‘Biden hasn’t gotten anything right in Foreign Policy in 40 years’ and it appears the string remains unbroken.
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